monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I bought Halloween candy today and of course I opened one bag. Mmmm, Twix.

One day last week I got an email from Rich's dad, all about how Aspertame is bad and evil and has unleashed much sickness and neuropathy upon the world, so even though I was extremely cynical (what this country needs is a stronger white rat), it is about time for my yearly Diet Pepsi Give-up-a-thon. I have cut my consumption roughly in half, and therefore I have no energy, imagination, or creativity. That is why I haven't written anything for your entertainment. I am not entertaining.

Oh, but then today I was at the store with RA, and I bought a 12-pack of DP, because I have cut down but I still drink some, and an old guy in a tractor hat warned me as I picked up the box that the end of it was open, so I thanked him and picked up another box, and then he said that he wouldn't drink that Diet Pepsi because of all that Aspartame. I just smiled and nodded, and did not say that I wouldn't wear that stupid hat out in public, either. Because I am nice like that, even when old guys who haven't shaved in three days and wear dumb hats can't mind their own damn business. Geez.

Ash was out of town, so Rachel slept at our house on Friday, having scared herself by accidently seeing part of a zombie movie on Thursday, so she could hardly sleep that night. We went shopping Friday afternoon and then came home and cooked, but I can't remember what we made. Something Rachel had been wanting - oh right, it was Thai Noodle Salad. We watched Meet the Robinsons, which was very entertaining, and knitted.

Saturday we went to Rachel's place and when we got there, we spent some time cleaning out her car, which was full of clothes and books, also shoes, and now there is room to sit down in it. She had been complaining about smelling bananas, and we found the source of the smell - two overripe bananas in a plastic bag, under a pile of stuff.

Rachel went off with the sister missionaries to teach a lesson in Spanish, and I stayed in the apartment and played a video game. Well, I started the game, then I thought of making banana bread with those two bananas, so I went to the kitchen, and found a recipe in one of her wedding gift cookbooks, then had to scrounge around the kitchen to find all the ingredients (it's like a jungle safari when you are cooking in a strange kitchen) and when I got the bread in the oven, I went back to the living room to play Animal Crossing.

When Rachel got home, I heard her coming up the stairs, sniffing happily at the smell of banana bread! It was good, even though the recipe called for 4-5 bananas, and I only had 2. We ate some bread and then she had to write a report for a class, and I kept playing AC to keep her company.

We had bought a salmon the day before, and brought it with us from my house, so we roasted a panful of vegetables and then broiled the salmon and oh, the happiness!

After the wonderful supper, we had to pack up equipment and meet Rachel's friend Dolly to shoot a scene for the movie the two of them are making. One of the two actresses in the scene couldn't make it, so it was decided that Dolly would play that part, and then the boy who was supposed to play a small part with one line couldn't make it, either!

Traci, the other girl who was in the movie, works at a video store and had arranged for us to film the scene there, and she said she thought one of the guys who works with her would probably be willing to play the part of the creepy video store employee, but when we got to the store, both of the guys were working and neither of them would do the part! WTF? I thought everyone wanted to be an actor!

I took the release forms and approached some random male customers to ask if they would be interested in popping up from behind a movie rack and saying one line - one line! - and no one wanted to do it! They acted like they were all in the federal witness protection program, they were so camera-shy!

Then Tracy called her nephew, who lives not far from video store, and he came right over and played the part for us. That's what I'm talking about! He was happy to do it!

So that was fun, and then I had to go meet Rich at the stake center to get a ride back home with him, so I didn't get to help with the scene they were going back to the house to film - the one where the girl wakes up when her roommate comes home after a party where she has been turned into a zombie! I asked Rachel if that was going to be too scary for her, and she said she thought she'd be okay.

In knitting news, well, there isn't much. I am almost done with Carolyn's blue cardi. I've made 3 button bands, and am working on the fourth, because I couldn't get the stitch count right, and I couldn't accept that it wasn't right! I told myself it would be fine, and well, not so much. The right-hand button band looks good now, and the left one is good, too, and I'll actually be finished tomorrow. It's too big to lug around on the needles tonight, so I left it at home.

I started the Pine Cone Scarf last night. I'm using Woolease in the color called (I think) Wood. It's shades of soft browns, and a tiny bit of soft green. It's going fast since it's knit on size 11 needles with two strands of yarn held together. My wrist is aching a bit tonight after knitting with big needles for hours last night, so I'm taking a break from the scarf.

I've got a sock to work on tonight - just a plain sock in my favorite 3X1 rib pattern. Size one needles and the yarn is either Regia or Kroy. I thnk Regia, in purples and blue. Very soothing.

I ordered a bunch of fantasy books from Amazon last week and they arrived today, so I brought one to work to read while I knit. This one is a sequel to Enchanted, Inc., but I think I grabbed the one that is the third book in the series instead of the second. Oh well, I don't care, it's not like the history of the western world, so it doesn't matter if I read it out of order.

11:16 p.m. - 2007-10-29


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