monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Knitting report and bonus recipe.

Last night I forced myself to sew the buttons on Carolyn's blue cardi! When I finished the buttons, I wove in all the ends and then, because I felt so happy to be done with that one, I sewed the buttons on the two baby sweaters, too! Woot! Those still have ends to weave in, but I was sleepy, so I left those on the coffee table and will finish them today!

The next thing I have to do is finish sewing together Rachel's wrap sweater and then I will be so happy I won't know what to do! I will probably fall on the floor and froth at the mouth!

Since Rachel made a pan of roasted vegetables for me to eat when I was at her house last weekend, they are my new favorite food. She made them again on Tuesday? Maybe it was Wednesday. One of the nights when she and Ash were here this week, and I made some all by myself last night!

Here is how to make them:

You need some potatoes, cut into chunks about the size of ummm, bigger than dice, like maybe two dice stuck together.

I also use broccoli and cauliflower that comes in a bag at the grocery store, baby carrots, and some butternut squash that is cut to about the same size as the potatoes.

I like zuchini, but it doesn't need to cook as long, so I add it to the pan about halfway through the cooking.

The recipe calls for onions and peppers, too, but I don't use them because I don't like to eat either of them just by themselves, I only eat them when they are cooked into something.

You can use anything else you can think of, just throw it in.

Use a big baking pan or roasting pan, and line it with foil if you want to, then you don't have to wash the pan afterward. No cleaning! Woot!

Preheat the oven to 450 while you prepare the vegetables.

Put the vegetables into the pan, and pour two tablespoons of olive oil over them, add some salt and pepper to taste, and stir them around in the pan to get a little oil on everything. Be gentle so as not to tear the foil.

When the oven is hot, put the pan in, uncovered, and bake for about 45 minutes. I add the zuchini after 15 minutes, and throw a little more salt on then, too.

Check for doneness after 30 minutes, but I find that it takes about 45 minutes to cook the potatoes all the way through. You can sprinkle some basalmic vinegar over them before you eat them, but it's not necessary.

While the oven was still hot last night, I turned the heat down a little and cooked a frozen pizza, too. The dog did not get any of this one.

8:24 a.m. - 2007-11-02


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