monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



I didn't work Thursday night so I got up early on Friday and went out to breakfast with RA. We did a couple of little errands after that, including a stop at Walmart to get flea medication for my animals, because the groomer called this morning and told me that Buffy was full of fleas!!

I got some stuff that you drop on the back of the necks of the animals but apparently I bought the wrong kind for the dog, so I have to go to the vet tomorrow and get a bottle of it for Buffy. I bought some that was for use on a 12 lb. dog and Buffy weighs about 100 lbs. Rich said I should have known because there was a picture of a terrier on the box, but I just grabbed the first thing I saw with a DOG on it!

I took a nap in the afternoon, and when I woke up, Rachel and Ash came over unexpectedly because they had bought a kit to make model rockets and they wanted to come out here where there are some open spaces to shoot off the rockets. Apparently this has been a hobby of Ash's for years. So they built the rockets and then we took Buffy and went out to the baseball field by the community college and they shot off their rockets. Buffy thought it was very exciting! When the kids ran to get the rockets, Buffy ran with them, and by the time they were done, Buffy was sooo tired! She never runs that much! She's a lazy dog! When we got home she passed out in the hall, and has been asleep ever since.

I made some meatloaf and a big salad for dinner, and then Rachel and Ash went home. Rich went to the stake center to babysit during the rehearsal for a musical the stake is putting on. I'm trying not to be bitter about it, so I'm not going to go into that whole thing.

So since everyone was gone, I went back to bed for another nap, because I have to work tonight. And now I'm up, but I think I'm going to run to the store to buy some medicine for my eyes. They are itching from allergies. It's not just the cat hair all over the house, it's also that we were outdoors all afternoon, and I'm allergic to stuff out there!

I took the Mr. Greenjeans cardi to work with me, because I decided that I really didn't like it with the 3/4 length sleeves, and I didn't think Kim would either. I didn't want to redo the 3.5 inches of cabled cuffs, so I was trying to convince myself that the sleeves were okay, but then I had a bright idea!

I ripped back the cabled cuffs on both sleeves, and I've knitted the sleeve longer, with additional decreases like I would on a regular long sleeve, and then just did a ribbed cuff, in the same Knit 2, Purl 2 ribbing that is on the neckband. It looks good! I finished one sleeve at work last night and got down the to start of the cuff ribbing on the second sleeve.

I was able to erase 3 things from my list of WIPs today (I'm counting the two baby sweaters as one item). Wow, what a feeling of accomplishment! Now what can I work on?

4:28 p.m. - 2007-11-03


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