monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which dogs are disappointed when they can't chase rockets.

Well it looks like the trip to LA at the end of the month is a go! I went ahead and bought the tickets, which were a screaming deal, and then I asked the other night shift operator if she could work for me, and (whew!) she can!

Sarah called tonight to report that she had found a hotel for us, so I jumped on that train immediately and signed us up! (I am not using the Royal 'we', I'm using the plural because Rachel and Ash are going to be traveling with me.)

So yay! Going to LA for Jenna's wedding! It turns out to be a good thing that I decided to do this, even though I am suffering some anxiety at the thought of being the fattest person in LA, because the other operator can't work for me on the date of Jenna's Michigan reception! Which is okay, I'll just send Rich and the kids to attend that one and visit with his parents, and I'll stay home with the dog, and work.

I've been planning for a few days to spend this afternoon launching rockets with Rachel and Ash again, but when we loaded up the dog, a folding chair, and got some lunch, we arrived at the field to find that the wind was blowing too hard to launch!

We were all disappointed, but we just got back in the car and went to W@lmart to shop for rocket supplies. They didn't have everything we needed, but we went next door to F@rm and Fleet and found the rest.

When we got back to the house, Rachel took a nap, I went to the library and the grocery store with RA, and Ash went to the basement to make rocket fuel! I don't know all of the alchemy that went on, I only saw the finished product, but I do know that the scale I bought for weighing yarn? The one that I bought a couple of months ago? Yeah, it finally was opened up and used. Shut up! Now it's all ready for when it is needed in the line of yarn-weighing duty!

I made some fast chicken curry for dinner and then I went to bed and slept for more than three hours! I'm so happy to have finally gotten some decent sleep! It must be the time change, but last night at work I felt a bit crap all night - so tired I could hardly see.

Still working on the Baby Norgi sweater and I should be able to finish the body of it tonight! I dropped a stitch in the color pattern last night (see above in re: how tired I was) and tonight I almost blinded myself trying to pick up the stitches, laddering back up in the correct color sequence. I am a scary, scary, knitting genius.

11:44 p.m. - 2007-11-14


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