monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


California or bust.

Today when I got home from work, I went out to breakfast with RA and that's when I realized that tomorrow is the day we go to California, tomorrow! I hadn't packed or done any preparations, except to call my doctor for drugs, which is important, but I also needed to pack some clothes.

I went to sleep, but then Jenna called just to check and see if I was still planning to show up tomorrow, and after that, well, the anxiety was kicking in!

I got up for a while and tried to call Rachel so we could decide how and where to meet for the trip to the airport, but she wasn't available and she was still in class. She told me later that she had forgotten to turn off her phone and the special ringtone she gave me burst out in the middle of class! Haha!

Since I couldn't reach Rachel and I was getting panicky, I went back to read in bed, and tried not to think about traveling, but it's like trying not to think about elephants, it's all you can think about!

I told myself I would just get dressed, that would be a start, just get dressed, that's all, and that got me out of bed. Once I was dressed, I had moved out of panic into planning, and I was able to pull out a suitcase and pack.

Then I remembered that I needed to change the plan for my cell phone so that I wouldn't get massive roaming charges for making calls when I'm out of my area! I called my phone service provider and talked to customer service representative Justin, who was very helpful and friendly! He told me the secret to keeping your plane in the air (in other words, not to go down in a flaming ball of wreckage) is to buy a box of Twinkies, and eat one before you go, and take one with you. He says that's what he always does and he has not gone down in flames yet. Whew! Now that I know that, I am prepared, because with Twinkies and Xanax, I think a person can get through most difficult situations.

Now I am home alone, as Rich is back at the stake center, running the nursery again tonight, as he will every night through Saturday, and I'm going to just relax and not think about elephants flying.

7:44 p.m. - 2007-11-29


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