monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I did not get enough sleep, and neither did Carolyn.

Tuesday I was sitting sluggishly in my living room, watching Rachel fold her laundry, and whining on the phone to RA that I had Christmas presents to mail but they weren't wrapped yet, and then RA felt sorry for my tired, slacker self and came over to pick up the presents and take them back to her house to wrap!

Yesterday she brought the wrapped presents back, with a post-it note stuck to each wrapped box, stating what the box contained, and she had self-sticking Christmas gift labels so that I could put the correct names on the gifts! Then she drove me to the shipping store and I mailed them! Wow! She is made of awesome! Then I bought her lunch at the Mexican place, out of gratitude.

After lunch I sat down and forced myself to embroider the face on the Totoro hat for baby Soren, who was born this morning! Woot! How thrilling is that?

Scott called to tell me about it, and I could hear the baby making little irritated noises because he didn't like the tubes in his nose! It was so cute, because Scott was talking to him gently, telling him to leave the tubes alone, and then marveling at the baby's cunning in managing to dislodge the tubes again!

So then I sent off emails to my family, to tell them about the baby, and I must not have made it clear to you people that I am not ready to be a grandma, so you all can stop referring to me that way immediately! Rich is a grandpa, yes, but Soren can call me Audrey, or Your Highness. I am not old yet. Thank you.

12:02 a.m. - 2007-12-20


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