monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I have sore muscles.

I am aching all over because we had a big snow on Friday, and my family all got in the car and drove to Michigan, leaving me alone with the dog and the snow.

I didn't want to leave all the deep snow on the sidewalks to get walked on and packed down for three days until Rich came home to shovel, so I took Buffy out with me, and I shoveled.

We live on a corner so we have a lot of sidewalk! I thought it would be fun to have Buffy out there to keep me company and maybe entertain me by frolicking through the deep snow, but that lazy dog just sat down and watched.

I did the sidewalks in three sessions, because I am fat and old and out-of-shape, but it's done and I'm pretty proud of myself.

This morning when I got home from work, I took Buffy out to potty. We walked around our block and found that on the other side of the block, there are three houses in a row where the sidewalks have not been cleared! I started to walk through the deep snow, but Buffy turned her head and took the leash in her mouth and gently led me down to the street! When we had passed those yards, we turned the corner back toward our house and she led me back up onto the cleared sidewalks! Thank you Buffy, for teaching me how to go on a walk!

It was a quiet day at home for the two of us. I slept until about noon, and then went out to do an errand with RA. We passed a new little shop with Stitching in the name, and saw that the lights were on, so we parked and went in, but to my disappointment, it's an embroidery shop! There were lots of great framed samplers on the walls, and she had antique frames and assorted baskets and buttons, but no yarn. I did buy a little embroidery kit for Kim, who used to like to embroider. I don't know what I was thinking.

When we got back home, the mail had come and I had two boxes of books from Amazon. I got into bed with my knitting and started reading City of Bones, by Cassandra Claire and I'm really enjoying it. She wrote some good Harry Potter fanfiction, so I was expecting her 'real' book to be good and it is. It's the first of a trilogy, with the second volume due in the Spring.

Later I had a call from one of Kim's friends who is home for the holidays, asking me to help her with her knitting. She's making a pair of felted mittens from a pattern I gave her on Monday. She can knit but has never read a pattern before, and just needs help interpreting it. She and her older sister, who used to be one of Rachel's good friends in high school, came over together and we worked on the mitten.

The girls were talking about how much they liked the Georgette Heyer book we recommended to them last Christmas and they told me the titles of some others they found on their own after they read the first one, so I told them about Cotillion, my favorite, and found a paperback copy of it to loan them. They said they were going to read it out loud so they could both enjoy it. I gave them Death in the Stocks, too, because I think the conversations in it are so funny.

After they left I went to bed to get a nap before work, and I rested for about an hour, but I couldn't sleep and then Buffy came upstairs to get me to take her out to potty again, and I gave up on sleeping.

I walked the dog, did another load of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen and talked on the phone to Rachel and Rich in Michigan, and then it was time for work, so here I am.

Everyone is coming home tomorrow!

11:13 p.m. - 2007-12-29


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