monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which my life is colorless and the bathroom ceiling leaks.

Back at work tonight after the weekend off. We took Kim and Sando to the airport on Friday, and had a call from Kim later, asking if Sando's DS was in our car. I checked and found it where it had slipped down next to the seat. Oops! I gave it to his mom at church today so she can mail it to him.

RA is out of town this week to visit one of her daughters, and I'm planning to sleep well, since there won't be anything to wake up early for, like going out to lunch.

What I'm reading today:

I went to the library with Rich on Saturday and got a pile of books. I just finished an Agatha Raisin mystery tonight.

What I'm knitting today:

I'm still working on the Gjenske sweater. I had a brief almost-breakdown Friday night, when I was convinced that I wasn't getting the gauge, and rather than check the gauge, I just sulked and gave it bitter looks. Saturday I measured and found that I'm getting gauge, and went back to working on it. I'm alternating between the body and a sleeve, and I just want to finish it!

When that's done, I want to start making a hooded cardi for Jenna, that I promised her a few years ago! I've got the pattern and the yarn, I just need to get started, but not until the Three Norwegians are done.

I did start a tunic sweater for Carolyn, who deserves a sweater for her valiant services in the feeding of a cranky, greedy baby. I'm using some bluey-purple Ballybrae that I bought on eBay. It smells so woolly! The tunic is my relaxing knitting that I can do while reading in bed.

Also I have socks in my purse, like always. I'm using Dusk sock yarn from Knitpicks that I bought to make some Earl Grey socks, but I hated working on them, so I ripped them back and I'm just making my regular 3X1 ribbed sock pattern.

Kim is working on a scarf with a simple lace heart pattern, and there was much texting back and forth during Sunday School today (It was an emergency!) to explain K2tog and PSSO. She held the scarf up to the webcam to show me later, and it looks great.

Why I hate my life today:

The weather has gotten warmer and the snow is melting, and you know what that means. The basement is getting wetter, and the ceiling is leaking in the Cat's Bathroom. I nagged Rich into going out to check the gutters today to see if they were full of ice, and he did, but then he explained in a crabby way that there are no gutters over that little bathroom addition (because the jackasses who built it did a terrible job!) and then he told me his plan for fixing the ceiling and the roof in the Spring. If he had given me all that information before, I wouldn't have had to nag him to go out and look at it!

I just wound a skein of dusty rose Twinkletoes yarn into a ball and I'm going to start making a lacy sock, just for fun. Because I'm not expecting any other fun to be happening this week.

11:54 p.m. - 2008-01-06


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