monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I go shopping and make dinner and that's all.

You know what is making me happy today? I was watching Carolyn hold Soren on the webcam (Babycam!) and she was wearing a cardigan that I knitted for her. She was just wearing it, like a person wears a sweater, and it made me so happy! I was thrilled, and now I want to knit more sweaters for her! Because she wears them!

That sweater is just the plainest, simplest, top-down cardigan and I knitted it with Encore, so it would be washable. It wasn't challenging or anything, because she said she wanted just a plain cardigan like an old one she had, so that's what I made. Amazing.

I'm still working on the tunic sweater like Kim's, but today I didn't do any knitting at home, and yesterday I didn't do any, either. I think it's because I don't really want to work on the last of the Three Norwegians. It takes too much effort to pick up that sleeve and starting following the chart. I should just do the steeking (sewing and cutting) on the other two sweaters, finish them and then ignore the third one. Maybe I will!

At work tonight I've got the sock I started last night, and I have a book to read, so that's what I'm doing here. The sock is a great color, shades of rosy dark coral, and I can't remember for sure, but I think it's Trekking sock yarn.

Kim is suddenly interested in wearing makeup again, something she hasn't done since high school, and she wants to wear more scarves. Maybe I'll make a quick scarf or two for her. Something trendy, but not eyelash yarn. Hmm, must think about this.

I went shopping by myself today. RA is out of town until Saturday, and I usually go shopping and run errands with her, but I needed Diet Pepsi, so I went to the store. Then I went home and called RA to tell her I had to go shopping without her, and also to fill her in on some interesting gossip news that I heard on Sunday.

That's really all I did today. It's still rainy and my entire house is leaking, but I can't think about that. That way lies madness.

11:12 p.m. - 2008-01-08


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