monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which it is snowing...on my phone!

It's exactly one month since Christmas and I just got my last presents in the mail today! Thanks to RA, really, because she encouraged me to mail them and even wrapped them for me! I think I'll have to buy some wrapping paper for her, as I'm sure I've exhausted her supply!

As I was leaving my house to go to the post office, I grabbed my mail out of the box and opened it in the car. Scott got another letter from a law school, and I was going to call him to tell him about it, but hey! Where did my phone go?

I patted my pockets, looked through my purse, but I didn't have my phone! Oh no! I used RA's phone to call mine, because surely it must be hiding in the bottom or my big purse, but ... nothing!

It was only a quick trip to the P.O., so I didn't need my phone, but I miss it when it's not with me. I mailed the packages and headed, and when we pulled into the driveway, RA said, "Look! There's your phone!" It was laying in the snow!

Oh my poor, cold, snowy phone! I pulled it out of the snowbank and opened it, and it was still working, so I bought it in and dried it off carefully and then made a test call to Scott. It worked just fine. What a relief!

So that poor phone has been dropped (many times!), run over by Rachel's car, left in a snowback, stepped on by a big dog, and it still works. But just in case, I have insurance on it!

I'm looking at knitting journals this afternoon, and I see there is a KAL for the Chevron Scarf from the Last Minute Knits book. I actually have a scarf made by that pattern, but it's never been worn because I thought it was too short. I planned to use another ball of yarn and make it twice as long, but I just never got around to doing it. I might have to pull that out and work on it now. I could give the scarf to Kim when it's finished - it would go with her coat.

I haven't finished the Three Norwegians this month like I planned, but I've still got another week. What is keeping me from finishing them? I could definately finish two of them in a couple of days, if I would just sit down at the sewing machine and do the steeking! Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it today. I can finish two of them and the other one, well, it will take a little longer.

1:59 p.m. - 2008-01-25


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