monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Just knitting.

Apparently this was the Saturday When Things Got Worked On! Sarah called to tell me about the finishing she had just done on a little smock coat she made for her friend's daughter, and when she called I had just pulled out my sewing machine and dusted it off in preparation for making steeks! Later Diana called and she was forcing herself to knit intarsia skulls on the sleeves of a sweater for Nick! See? Everyone was getting things done!

I sewed the steek lines into two of the Norwegian sweaters - Baby Norgi and Telemark, and then I cut the steeks open on Baby Norgi, and then... nothing. I was going to sit in the living room and work on sewing it all together, but when I sat down, I saw the Gjenske sweater sitting in the basket, and I had two hours worth of shows I wanted to watch on TV, so I picked up the Gjenske sleeve and did a few rows on that instead. Because I can always sew together the Baby Norgi, but I need something to entertain me while I work on Gjenske, and I didn't want to waste good TV time.

Do you see why I never seem to make progress on any one project? I mean to get something done, but then something else is staring at me when I sit down to work, and it's hard to choose!

Right now my projects are as follows:

  • Gjenske - still doing the sleeves, and the body isn't quite done, either!
  • Rosy coral socks for Carolyn - finished!
  • Telemark - steek stitches done but not cut open.
  • Baby Norgi - steeks cut open, sleeves not sewn in.
  • Dusk socks for Scott - 50% done on sock #2.
  • Cobblestone sweater - about 7 inches up on the body. The yarn is stiff, and makes my wrists tired if I work on it very long. It's my computer knitting.
  • Tunic sweater - about 6 inches of the body, also using stiff yarn, which slows the process down. I should have washed the yarn before knitting with it. This is my bedroom knitting.
  • January sock - It's the Little Child's Sock from Vintage Sock Knitting, and I finished the first one a week ago. The second one is started and is sitting on the coffee table in the living room. It's not exactly my living room knitting, because I have the Gjenske sweater in a basket next to my chair, and the other two Norwegians are sitting in another basket next to the coffee table.

    So that's what I did today. Tonight I'm at work, reading HP fan fiction (Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard) and knitting the Dusk sock for Scott.

    1:37 a.m. - 2008-01-27


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