monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I get tired of buying gum for thieving dogs.

We had a big snow this week, a blizzard, in fact, and as a result, it has been pretty much the week in which I did nothing at all.

We got the snow on Tuesday night while I was at work, and by morning it was so deep that Barb couldn't get to work from where she lives, deep in the country. That hardly ever happens; it has to be really bad for Barb not to make it to work!

It was so bad that no one was getting to work, and I had to stay at work until one in the afternoon, and I was so tired! There are a lot more calls during the daytime hours, and I used to know lots of extensions, but since I have been working the night shift, I only get calls for a very few specific numbers, and I have forgotten all the numbers I used to know!

By about noon, I was ready to put my head down on the desk and weep, because I felt like I'd been here forever, and the calls just kept on coming, and I was never going to be able to leave, and I couldn't find any of the phone numbers...

Finally at one, my boss, who was working at home (and also lives out in the country, for crap's sake, what is wrong with these people?), called and said he was sending someone to take over the switchboard. He sent one of the techs, who knows enough about the switchboard to answer the phone while the day operator goes on a potty break, and I went home! Let me make clear that my boss did not do this out of love for me, although he did thank me for staying, he did it because I needed to be able to come back to work at 11.

I went right to bed, slept until 6, got up for a couple of hours, and then went back to bed again. Rich woke me up at 10:30 to go back to work.

So that wiped out Wednesday, and Thursday was still a snowy mess, so I didn't go out anywhere. Yesterday I went to the salon for a cut and color, and afterward I called RA, and she was looking at airlines to find a flight to visit her daughter in Idaho, and all the flights were really expensive, so we didn't go out to lunch because she wanted to save money!

Today RA was out of town visiting her son, the Golden Boy, and Rachel and Ash went to a gaming convention, so there was no one to talk to all day. Rich was gone the entire day, doing some work on site, so I was home alone all day.

At least the dog is feeling better. Yesterday she had a stomach virus, or something like that, possibly caused by spilling the entire contents of my purse out onto the floor and rooting through them looking for chewing gum! I found the gum wrappers, and also the paper from a mint, so she found what she wanted. I thought maybe she was sick from eating Rolaids, because there had been a roll in my purse, but they were missing, too, so I looked it up online and found that you can actually give a dog antacids, or Pepto Bismol, so that must not be what made her sick. She was vomiting all day, and laying around listlessly, mostly in Rich's office, thank goodness.

She's feeling better today, thanks.

Today I knitted on the Birthday Surprise gift, and watched some TV, including Batman Begins, on loan from Andy, who told me it was the best of the Batman movies. It was alright. I got a lot of knitting done while I watched it.

Beside the knitting and Batman, I did some cooking! I made banana bread, and a lovely pot roast. It was nice to have something good for dinner, and it helped warm up the house, too. It's getting colder again.

So you can see it's been a slow week, and there's not much to write about. I did some laundry, too. Stay tuned, maybe tomorrow I'll vacuum.

11:43 p.m. - 2008-02-09


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