monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why can't you set your monkey free?

I added Comments to the page again, because the Diaryland Guy says that he's fixed it so we won't get spam comments. We'll just see if he's right. Go ahead and send me love!

It's been raining today, which is all grey and unpleasant, but then in the afternoon it changed to heavy, wet snow, and when I came to work tonight, I had to push big mounds of heavy snow off of my car! It was a little slippery turning the corner into the parking lot, too! The snow is pretty and white, and the trees look all lacy, too. So there you go, pretty but dangerous, and who doesn't like that combination?

Other than watch the snow, I mostly just slept today. So I don't have much to talk about.

What I'm knitting today:

I sat in the front of the computer tonight, reading stuff and knitting the first sleeve of a Wallaby for a friend's new baby. I'm using varigated Patons Decor in a manly combination of colors, mostly red/browns. The body is done, the sleeves are a quick knit, so it won't take long to finish.

What else I am knitting:

So the baby sweater is my computer knitting, and I have four pair of socks started!

  • 1. White socks for Rachel - Lacy Arrowhead pattern in Patons Kroy. It's an easy lace pattern available on Nancy Bush's website, but she wrote it for a heavier yarn, so I had to adjust for my gauge.

  • 2. February Copycat Sock of the Month - Melissa drew the Monkey sock pattern for her February socks, so that's what I'm making. I was afraid of this pattern until I was bored and wanted to try something 'challenging' one day, and I found that it's not difficult and it looks great! So this is the second time using the pattern, and I think I might do another pair in white for Rachel when I'm finished with these. I'm using some Bare yarn that I bought from - it's the yarn that I dyed with Koolaid a few months ago. I have already promised them to my new BFF Amy. (I still love you the best, Diana!)

  • 3. A pair of socks in one of the Opal yarns, and I don't know the name of it, but it's knitting up kind of camaflauge-y in browns and greens. These are for Scott, and I'm knitting them all the way down the cuff and the instep with my regular K3,P1 ribbing on 72 stitches.

  • 4. Lastly, I have one pair in my purse right now, that are just plain ribbed (K3P1) socks on 64 sts, that I started last week when we went to see Spiderwick Chronicles at the movies, and I needed something simple to knit in the movies. I could have taken the Opal Camo socks, but I was just getting to the heel flap, and while I can turn a heel in the dark, I don't so much want to. I just grabbed a ball of Trekking in marled blues and cast on as the movie started.

What I'm reading today:

Assorted fan fiction at work, because it's so easy to knit and read text on my PC monitor, just nudging the spacebar to scroll up.

Also reading You on a Diet, like it's going to change anything. I like to try to fool encourage myself once in a while.

What I cooked today:

Well, okay, nothing, but I've been using my crockpot more lately, and I even bought a new crockpot cookbook! I'm going to try a new recipe tomorrow, and I'll report back on that later, but I made a really good and easy thing on Friday - it was Chicken Soft Tacos. All you do is put 4 frozen chicken breasts into the crockpot and pour a jar of salsa over them and then cook them for 8 hours on low, adding 1 cup of sour cream one hour before they are done cooking! When they're done, you tear the meat apart with a fork, and roll it up in tortillas! I used whole wheat tortillas and it was great.

How I spent some money this weekend:

Over the weekend I got tired of never getting any mail, so I ordered some things online. More white yarn for nurse socks (bought that on eBay), some wooden dpns for knitting said socks - evil dogs have eaten two sets of mine and I'm knitting all of the above listed socks on metal dpns, which is fine, but I prefer wood (ordered those from Also ordered a couple of sweaters from Silhouettes, and two more books (from by Holly Black. Oh, and I ordered one of the Holly Black books as a CD audiobook for Rich to listen to, because he's liking City of Bones by Cassandra Claire, which is another urban fantasy. So woot! I'm waiting for the mailman every day!

I'm at work now, and I've got to get some work done, and then finish the toe of Monkey sock #1, and start #2 tonight, because February is almost over!

11:30 p.m. - 2008-02-25


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