monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which my clothes are haired up and I have cat fur in my nose, too.

Thanks for all the comments!

Kathy - Yes, I did finish the scarf for Ash, and gave it to him two days after his birthday, when he and Rachel came over to do their laundry. Oh, and Rachel is happy with the soup recipe you sent her!

Diana - The Chile quote I used as the title of yesterday's page is from a Disney encyclopia-type book I read at my aunt's house when I was young. I thought it was funny and have never forgotten it.

Karin - The Opal yarn isn't Smoke, I know because I wanted to buy all of the Smoke when I saw it but I was being thrifty and didn't buy any (and now I regret it- I wonder if I can still get any...). It's some other group, but I don't know what.

Catsoul - Six feet is good, and anything longer than that is cake! Thanks! Oh, and the mitts I made for you? Rachel tried them on to admire them and we found that they are too small for a normal human's hands! I thought I was making them bigger than my tiny monkey paws, but apparently I was wrong. No problem, though, I'm just going to make another pair and wear those myself!


So today I did some cooking from my new cookbook of crockpot recipes. I would mention the title, but it's at home and I can't remember it exactly. I made French Country Chicken with Olives and wow, it was great! It took some prep work, though, so I couldn't just come home and throw it in the crockpot to cook all day while I slept. It only needed to cook on high for 3 hours, so I made it when I woke up. I had to fry bacon, brown the chicken, made a sauce, and slice one cup of olives off of the pits!

The recipe had a note that said olives that you buy in jars are cured in an alkaline solution that renders them tasteless, so the author recommended buying olives in the deli. You know I don't want any tasteless alkaline olives, so I bought a mix of black and green olives at the deli counter in the grocery store, and lo to my behold, they weren't pitted, so I had to slice the olive part off of the pit part by hand. Which I did, cutting off a slice on four sides, and eating the rest of the olive off of the pit as I went on to the next one.

It turned out to be delicious, and I called Heidi to see if she wanted to try some. Heidi is my food friend, who is always making something exotic and then she brings some over in a container for me to try. She was in her car driving her kids somewhere when I called, so she stopped at my house and sent a kid up to the door for a container of chicken and sauce. She called later to say it was great, and I told her to keep the container, since it probably came from her house anyway.

Other than that, I didn't do much today. I made a little trip with RA to get a pop and we stopped at the bookstore so I could buy the new Interweave Knits. I wanted to buy the latest Piecework, too, because it's the knitting issue, but it hasn't shown up in the local (small) bookstore, and I haven't been to Rockford. Oh, I should tell Rachel to get it for me! Good idea, I'll call her tomorrow.

I napped this evening, and when I woke up I talked to Scott and Kim with their webcams on. Soren was sleeping, and Scott turned his cam around so I could look at the precious baby, who was apparently crabby all day, but looked very sweet asleep! Patsy the big yellow cat jumped up on the desk while I was talking to Scott and put his big furry face right in the camera while I rubbed his chin. Kim called on the phone while the cat love was going on, and when I told her that Scott was watching Patsycam, she said she wanted to see the cat, too! She was on the way home from campus on the bus, so when she got home, she turned on her cam and I had to bring big fat Pat back to the den and rub his chin for Kim. I'm exhausted from pleasuring the cat, and also covered in yellow fur!

11:56 p.m. - 2008-02-26


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