monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I don't even know why I put chocolate eggs in my pocket.

I had a crisis today, but it seems to have resolved itself.

When I woke up, I took my cell phone and sat in a chair in the living room, with my phone resting on the wide arm of the chair, and a glass of water tucked down into the chair next to my leg. (Some of you will feel a sense of foreboding already.)

Rich brought in the mail while I was talking to Rachel, who had come to town with Ash to look at apartments, and he shoved a handful of (junk) mail at me, knocking my phone into my glass!

I screamed and pulled it out, and someone ran for a towel, but my poor phone! It was looking weird when I opened it up, and I was trying to bring it back to life, but it was on the wrong screen, and oh noes!!

I was panicking, and drying it off, and I put it in my pocket thinking maybe it would dry quietly and then start working again, but ugh! There was something in my pocket, and when I pulled out my phone, it had chocolate all over it because I had forgotten about the handful of Cadbury Mini Eggs Crack Eggs that I dropped in my pocket earlier and they must have gotten warm and were all squishy!

So I cleaned off the chocolate and changed my pants while Rachel took the phone apart and assured me that if I let it dry, it would be okay, because Biscuits dropped his phone in the toilet once, and he let it dry and it was fine. She laid the pieces on the table, and told me to leave it alone.

Aaugh! I hated the waiting and the not knowing! While we were waiting, Rachel decided that she needed a haircut, so she called for an appointment. Ash was going to take her car and get the oil changed, and I needed to go to Joann Fabrics to get a knitting pattern book, so Rachel and I left in my car to go to the store and then to the salon.

I grabbed my phone as we left the house, because geez, it had been 20 minutes already, wasn't it dry yet? But when I put it back together, it wasn't ready. The inside screen was looking wet on the inside, and the phone just wouldn't come on!

Rachel scolded me and took it apart again, and put the pieces in her coat pockets to keep them away from me! We went to the fabric store and got the book (it's a book of knits for toddlers) and then to the salon, where she got a great cut and the stylist showed her how to use a flat iron to straighten her hair.

Back at home, I made enchiladas for dinner from a recipe I tore out of a magazine, and then I went to bed when Rachel and Ash went home.

Rich was going out to do a four-hour shift at the homeless shelter tonight, so he woke me up at 10 when he left. Oh man, I dragged out of bed and went downstairs, and saw the pieces of my phone laying on the table again, and I put them together, and everything looked normal! Yay!

I plugged it in to charge it and sat down to knit for a few minutes before work, and suddenly my phone rang! It was playing the Diana music, and I jumped up and grabbed it, and, and, it worked! Oh, the happiness!

So my phone is all better now, and I didn't have to make another claim on my phone insurance!

The enchiladas were good, too.

11:05 p.m. - 2008-03-04


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