monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


For shit's sake!

It's been a long couple of weeks, and one reason is that I cut down drastically on my intake of Diet Pepsi, which made me less witty and entertaining. At the same time I was cutting down on sugar, so there was one less reason to get out of bed in the morning, and then when I added the complications of trying to properly combine foods, and then my grandma had another heart attack, oh my goodness, my entire world was collapsing!

Is it any wonder that I couldn't manage to write a journal entry?

Tonight I stopped on the way to work and got a soda at McDs so I could wake up a little, just enough to write something, since people are asking when I'm going to write again.

Diana gives a brief overview of the week in her journal, so you can take a look at that.

She didn't mention that when she got here on Thursday, the temperature was in the high 30's, possibly as high as 40, but since she was coming from Arizona, when we picked her up at the shuttle bus stop - and we were a few minutes late because sometimes husbands are asses - she was huddled on a bench, freezing her butt off! I had brought my big black winter coat for her to wear and she put it on gratefully, but Rich and I were wearing sweatshirts because it is Spring!

Our original plan had been to drive to Planet Crazy Omaha to see Grandma, but by the time Diana got here on Thursday, Grandma was in bad shape and didn't recognize anyone, so we thought it would be better to remember her in happier times, and thus began the Grandma Memorial Weekend, in which we remembered Grandma in our own way and honored her memory by using bad language and quoting her lavishly. There was some loose talk about drinking Vernors Floats in her honor, but that never happened, although I think Diana did actually drink most of a can of Vernors at some point.

Diana brought DVDs of an HBO show called Flight of the Conchords that we watched all weekend while we knitted. It's very entertaining, mostly because of Jemaine's lips, I think. I could stare at them and listen to the New Zealand accents all day!

We spent some time shopping, first for ingredients for Diana's delicious imitation KFC Chicken Bowls, which Rich loved so much that he asked me to make them again, so I had to go back to the store today to shop for several items that I have never bought before (and I hope the Kitchen Police never find out!), including chicken gravy in a can!

We went to Joann Fabrics, Grandma's favorite store, where we sniffled over some fabric that Grandma would have loved to wear as a muumuu. We were there to buy fabric and purse handles so Diana could line the Mrs. Weasley Bag that Rachel knitted from the Charmed Knits book. The bag is finished now and it is beautiful! Rachel has been carrying it to work this week and gotten tons of compliments!

We went to Borders with Rich, because Kim had called him, crying over her Statistics test, and we wanted to buy her a book to help with the class. We got two books for Kim and a pile of books for us, so that was a lot of fun, and we also enjoyed the people-watching - was it costume night at Borders? Why was the husky young man wearing a kilt? I tried to take a picture of the girl with the really pretty goth eye makeup, wearing a top hat and long neon dreadlocks, but remember when my cell phone got wet? The phone is fine, but the water must have ruined the camera! P.S. Kim had a conference with the Statistics prof today and it turns out that she can do the work, she just isn't reading the directions right - that's my girl!

We rearranged the photos on the fireplace mantel, swapping some out of their frames and putting in new ones, and in the process we found a picture that I love - it's Grandma, holding four-month-old Kim in her arms, sitting next to Scott and Rachel, who are about 6 and 8 years old, with Diana looking very young and beautiful, holding a squirmy little Nick on her lap, all sitting on the stone wall surrounding a flower bed at Temple Square. I could weep just thinking about it. I need to buy a frame the right size, but for now it's propped up with the others.

I worked Sunday night, slept for a couple of hours in the morning, and then RA drove (because I was too tired!) to Rockford so we could drop Diana off at the shuttle bus. She had to leave my winter coat behind, so we sat in the car with the heater on until the bus got there.

Eating, shopping, knitting, looking at pictures and using bad language. Altogether I think we had a lovely tribute weekend.

Shithouse mouse!

11:31 p.m. - 2008-03-19


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