monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



My head hurts, my knee hurts and my life is boring and that is why I don't update more often.

Actually my knee is getting better, so that's a good thing.

Tomorrow there is a sale at the LYS, and Rachel wants to go, so I made a list of some projects I want to knit and what yarns I need for them. I doubt that any of the yarns I need will be the ones on sale, but I will look and see what they have. I really need to take a trip to Dekalb to shop at the Yarn Exchange. That's where I can get the yarns I like - not the fancy yarns that come and go, but the classics like Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece and Lamb's Pride.

Only two weeks until the Stephenson County Fiber Festival, and I'm very excited about that. I can get the local yarns, and Susan of Susan's Fiber Shop will be there with books, too!

What I'm knitting today:

A pair of cabled legwarmers for Carolyn. I found the pattern in the Spring edition of I'm using some white wool that I bought from Suzy the Shepherdess a couple of months ago. It has a picture of one of the sheep on the label!

A Wallaby for Soren - I'm using Paton's Merino Classic in a soothing denim blue.

Various socks. One pair is white Kroy for Nurse Rachel, one is something pretty but a little on the thin side that I ordered from Wooly Wonka Fibers. I ordered three skeins of their sock yarns, but yeah, they are a little thinner than what I like to knit with. Started another sock with some beautiful Socks That Rock yarn in a dark color called Tinglit? (Or something like that.)

All of the above socks (and I think I left out one but I can't remember which one) are just plain stockinette stitch socks. They have a ribbed cuff for 15 rows and then peaceful, mindless, lovely stockinette. I can just relax and read, while my hands knit on and on. Very nice.

I've been reading lots of Young Adult fantasy and I'm a little over it now. I like some fantasy, but what I really like the most is a murder mystery, with an interesting amateur detective and some clues that I can't figure out so that I am astounded at the end just like the rest of the characters in the book. That is my idea of a perfect book. There are not enough of them.

I went crazy with the fantasy and just kept ordering them, and now I have a pile beside my bed that I am slowly reading my way through. I hope Kim enjoys them this summer.


I was done with this entry when it occurred to me that other people might be interested in the books I read. Some of them were very good!

  • Valiant by Holly Black
  • Tithe and Ironside by Holly Black (a two-part story)
  • A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libby Bray (first of a series but it was good on its own. I've started the second book, Rebel Angels.)
  • City of Bones and City of Ashes, the first two books of a trilogy by Cassandra Claire. I love these, and Rachel is reading City of Bones now.
  • Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan. I read it and liked it, and when I went to order the next book in the series, I found that there are three more, so I ordered all of them and got books 3 and 4 immediately and have been waiting for book 2, which finally arrived today.

I have others in the pile next to my bed, but these are the ones I've read so far.

11:02 p.m. - 2008-04-07


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