monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Medicine toast saved my life tonight.

Ugh, I'm tired and I feel terrible from taking Vicodin earlier tonight, but I'm writing something, just because I haven't in so long.

It's just that there isn't any real newsy news to tell, and I always think it will be too boring if I just write about knitting and fanfiction, which are pretty much my only hobbies now.

What I'm knitting today:

I'm knitting a scarf from a pattern in the Spring 2008 issue of Knitty. It's called the Lace Ribbon Scarf, and I'm actually knitting it with the yarn called for in the pattern! It's Alpaca Sox yarn that I bought on eBay, just for this project. I started one with some dusty rose sock yarn from Joslyn's Fiber Farm while I was waiting for the Alpaca yarn to arrive, and that is my home knitting while I watch movies.

I'm also almost finished with Soren's Wallaby, and I'll do that last bit of finishing in the car on the way to Utah next week.

What I'm reading:

Suite Scarlette by Maureen Johnson. It's Young Adult fiction, and it's pretty good. I've been reading a lot of YA urban fantasy, and reading the journals written by some of the authors, and they mention other books by other YA authors, which leads me to read those books, too. It's amusing how they all mention each other in their acknowledgements, like a club of which I am not a member, but I feel like I'm almost part of it because of all the blog reading.

What I've been watching:

I watched all three of my most recent Netflix movies so that I could send them back and get to the next ones on my list. So I watched The Lookout, and two forgettable things, so that I could get The Darjeeling Limited, which was pretty good. I could watch that again, actually. Maybe I'll watch the new ones this weekend so I can get a lot of knitting done.

On the coffee table now I have Mostly Martha, a German movie that No Reservations is an American remake of, Eagle Vs. Shark, that I got because it has Jemaine of Flight of the Conchords, and something else...oh yeah, Shackelford? Is that the name of it? It's about an expedition to the South Pole? Yeah, I don't know why I ordered that either.

Wow, this is just as boring as I knew it would be.

4:28 a.m. - 2008-04-17


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