monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we play with the Wii.

Okay, I just remembered something that happened while I wasn't journaling because my life was too boring...The Great Wii Adventure!

Well, it wasn't all that exciting, but it was a little like detective work, so I'm going to write about it.

It started when Kim had birthday money to spend, and she kind of wanted a Wii so she could play some kind of two-person game with Sando over the internet? I don't know how it works, but I told her I would look and see if I could find a Wii for her.

I talked to Diana, who said that when they get a few in at her Walmart store in Phoenix, they announce it over the loudspeaker and people rush to the back of the store to buy them. Diana suggested that I ask the employees what day they get shipments of games for the electronics department, and then make sure I am there on those days.

Ash was at our house that day, so I recruited him to go to the store with me and we went to Walmart to see if there were any Wiis. There were none on the shelves, but Ash asked the two kids working there what day they got shipments, and they seemed vague about it, but they thought the games came in on Tuesday or Wednesday, in the afternoon.

Back at home, I IMd Sando and told him I wanted to find a Wii for Kim, and he was all for it! He said he was going out later and offered to check at Shopko. He said if he found one there he'd call me, but no, they didn't have any either.

In the meantime, I was looking on eBay, and I found lots of them listed, but when I started bidding on them, the prices got really high, really fast, and I thought I could do better.

Diana offered to watch for them at her store, and Ash said he would stake out the parking lot the following week on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. That actually sounded kind of fun - sitting in the car with a book and a cold soda and maybe a bag of Cheetos, watching for deliveries!

In the end what happened was that I was on my way to the grocery store with RA, and I called Rachel from the car to ask her a question, and Ash told her to remind me that it was Tuesday and I should check Walmart for Wiis! I told RA that we should get our groceries at Walmart so we could go by the electronic department, so we did. There weren't any machines on the shelves, but there were kids putting new games out, and I asked one when they would get a Wii in, and he looked kind of sly and said maybe there was one behind the desk. I followed him to the desk and he pulled one out and sold it to me!

Then I went home and called everyone to tell them they could stop searching, and Ash came over and set up the game machine for us. I was going to surprise Kim with it, but I went ahead and told her about it one day when she sounded kind of down, so she is pretty happy about that!

Important events in the near future:

Tomorrow, April 19, the Stephenson County Fiber Fair!

Tuesday, April 22, Rich and I leave on the drive to Utah for Scott's graduation and to bring Kim home to play the Wii all summer.

11:14 p.m. - 2008-04-18


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