monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Look - I'm posting again!

I am enjoying Kim's company so much that it is even eclipsing the insanity beaming in from Planet Crazy and the surrounding galaxies.

Tonight we went for a walk again, and Kim told me her ideas for another novel that she plans to write in the month of June. It's really a plan for NaNoWriMo, which normally takes place in November, but Kim will be busy with classes and school in November and won't have time to write then, so she and Carolyn and maybe Scott are all planning to write novels in June.

Kim is so full of ideas for writing that it amazes me. I just don't have any ideas! One of the books I bought last year to help me pull a novel together for NaNoWriMo was called something like How to Write a Novel in 30 Days, and it looked really helpful. It suggested that if you have other ideas while working on your current project that you should write them down and put them in their own folder (or Excel file) and save them for later. That's what Kim needs to do, because she has so many good ideas! (I loaned that book to Rachel, but she's bringing it back for Kim to use.)

It's been fun having Kim's friends around, too. Yesterday Kyle came over, today it was Ana. Kim was complaining that she has to hang out with each of her friends separately because none of them like each other any more, but it just means I have different kids over to entertain me every day!

In other news, my cold is getting better! Yay! I am feeling so much better tonight, and it's my first night back at work. Usually after a few days off, I'm eager to get back to work so I'll have something to do, but I've been busy this time, with traveling and observing teenagers, so I haven't missed work at all.

What I'm knitting today:

1. Easy Flame Lace Scarf in Malabrigo lace-weight yarn. The colors are blues and greens and it looks like the ocean.

2. Ribbon Lace Scarf from the Spring Knitty. I'm using some dusty rose colored sock yarn that came in a kit but I thought it was too thin for socks.

3. Boring pair of white nurse socks. Just plain stockinette for mindless knitting.

4. Scoop du Jour cardigan in light blue Encore. Finished the Back and left front pieces, started the right front.

That's all I've got in active rotation right now.

What I'm reading right now:

Around the World with Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis. It's very amusing. Diana once told me her favorite book was The Joyous Season by Patrick Dennis, so I found a copy and read it and it was hilarious! I love his writing. That book is back in print, so you should get a copy, too!

11:47 p.m. - 2008-04-30


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