monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Still have a cough but I'm better.

You know what I'm really excited about right now? My new Kindle! I got it from before we went to Provo, and it is just the coolest thing ever! It's an electronic device that holds the text of books to read by paging through them, like reading books online, which I do all the time, but they are either fanfiction or books that are in the public domain that I read on Project Gutenberg, so they are old. I love to read old novels, but I'm also interested in reading new books!

I buy books all the time, and I read a lot, but I like to read and knit at the same time, so paperbacks are a problem - they don't lay open easily so I can read while I knit!

Rich wanted to get a Kindle for me last Christmas but I didn't think I needed it then, because I was finding plenty to read on the internet, or going to the library to get hardcover books. Hardcovers lay open better than paperbacks, although sometimes I still have to prop them open with a telephone handset or the clicker for the TV.

Then I read a blog written by someone who had a Kindle, and I got interested in having one. It sounded like just what I was looking for! I ordered one for my birthday, thinking I would get it sometime this summer, because at the time I ordered, Amazon was having trouble keeping them in stock, but woot! I got it in about three weeks!

It's great. I can download samples of books I'm interested in, to see if I want to buy them, and I love that! The books themselves are a lot less expensive than buying hardcovers and some are about the same price as a paperback or even less! I even bought one that was written by someone who wrote a short novel just to sell for the Kindle - it wasn't any good, but it was only 99 cents, and it was worth the price just to make fun of it.

I downloaded Bitter is the New Black, for one, and it was as good as Diana said it was. Confessons of a Shopaholic, though, was annoying because the main character was so stupid! I downloaded about a dozen samples tonight, and I've still got some books I haven't read that I bought when I first got it.

I'm not trying to do a commercial for the Kindle but I love it. Oh, and I forgot to say that you can adjust the size of the font to whatever is comfortable for you, so I can make mine a little bigger to make it easier to read while I'm knitting and have the Kindle propped on my lap!

Now, back to our regular programming.

Rich and Kim are leaving tomorrow to go to Michigan to visit Rich's parents. They are eager to see Kim and they wanted to come down here, but we have plans for the weekend they could come, so Rich said he'd go there instead. He's taking Buffy, too, so I don't have to worry about her while I'm at work! Yay!

They'll get back Wednesday night, and then on Friday Rachel and Ash are taking Kim with them to visit friends in the St. Louis area, tour SIUE, and make a stop at Holiday World.

I am the only person not leaving town this week, and I don't even care. I've got my knitting and my Kindle, and I don't really need anything else.

12:00 a.m. - 2008-05-05


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