monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I walked to work, but I don't want to walk back home.

I finally watched Shark Vs. Eagle, a movie I got from Netflix that has been sitting on the coffee table for two or three weeks, waiting for someone to watch it with me, and finally tonight I was tired of all the commercials on TV, so I took the movie up to my room, got comfortable on my bed with my knitting, and watched it on my tiny DVD player. It was very entertaining, but kind of weird. I love the New Zealand accents, though, and I could listen to them all night, even though all of the characters were so strange they made me feel uncomfortable watching them.

After the movie, I had an hour to kill before work. Ash couldn't play a video game to entertain me, but he turned on the Wii for me, and I played MarioKart by myself. It was frantically fun! I played until I had to come to tear myself away to come to work.

I walked to work tonight because I thought it would be good for me. It was a beautiful night, warm with a nice breeze. I put everything I bring to work with me - knitting, Kindle, bottle of Diet Pepsi - into my purse so I wouldn't need to carry two bags, but if I do it again, I will just buy a bottle of pop when I get to work. It made my purse too heavy.

I walked briskly, and got here in about 10 minutes. I'll have to walk back home again in the morning, unless I call Ash to pick me up. Rachel walked to work, too, so if she gets off in time, we can walk home together, but sometimes she has to do some nurse work at the last minute and doesn't get off in time.

Tomorrow Rich and Kim will be home from Michigan.

11:21 p.m. - 2008-05-06


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