monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am a forger.

I am drawing a blank as I try to think of something interesting to talk about. Life is not so exciting right now. I could go into fascinating detail about Buffy's trip to the groomer this morning - she came back white and fluffy and wearing red, white and blue bows in her ears, a red, white and blue bandanna, and with a new leash to match it all. I was going to take the bows out of her ears right away, because in my opinion she is not that kind of girly-girl, but Rich told me to leave them in because she looks pretty! I guess if he's not embarrassed to be seen taking her for a walk, then she can wear them as long as he wants her to.

I have a living room full of boxes since the weekend run to Planet Crazy, and I'm not sure what to do with all of it. Ignoring it until it goes away is probably not the answer. I've given away some books already, and I have a lead on someone who might wear the clothes, but I'm not sure anyone is going to want two purses full of assorted bead necklaces. I need to start taking things to Goodwill.

I talked to Kim today. She says they went to the waterpark this morning, but it's a bit cold down there in Santa Claus, Indiana, and she had to get out of the water and walk around for a while to thaw out her toes! My baby! She's getting frostbite at Holiday World!

Since Kim is gone I filled out her housing application for school this Fall, since it needs to get in right away. (The deposit was due May 1.) I talked to someone in the housing office, and they didn't seem concerned, but I don't want to end up like last Fall, trying to find an apartment for her at the last minute! I filled it out as if I were Kim, and then I hesitated over signing her name to the application, because I can't seem to picture her signature at all, so what the heck, I just signed it in my own writing. I'm sure there will be no problem as long as I include a check for the deposit!

11:20 p.m. - 2008-05-12


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