monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I realize I never grew up.

Got up at two in the afternoon and heard someone leaving by the front door. I saw Kim driving away in the Saturn, and the downstairs was empty and quiet, so I thought Rich might be gone, too. He was signed on to MSN, so I messaged him and he told me Kim had gone to Ana's. She was gone the rest of the day, and when I got to work tonight she called and said she had just gotten home.

So Rich and I watched some TV with Buffy, and then Rich went out on the roof and down to the basement crawl space, which we have always called the Indian Burial Ground, but I don't know why. He was crawling around in the den later, and explained that he was trying to run another cable up to his office so he can run another computer with Linux installed on it. That's fine with me, since it doesn't affect me at all, until he came downstairs to check the phone on my desk and it had no dialtone. Even that isn't the tragedy it used to be - I have a cell phone - but he fixed it right away.

I worked all weekend, so it was pretty lowkey all around. On Friday the guy I hired to fix the leaky ceiling in the bathroom came over and worked on that all day. He replaced the ancient shingles on that part of the roof, and then he put more stucco over the parts that were cracked and buckling away from the wall. He said that is why the rain was coming in, and I hope he is right. We won't know until we have a good soaking rain again! If the leaking is really stopped, the next thing to do is replace the ceiling in the bathroom! Wouldn't it be amazing if the bathroom ceiling didn't leak anymore?

Saturday was so boring that I can't remember anything about it, until we went out in the evening to Stake Conference in Rockford. We all changed into Sunday clothes, and when Kim came downstairs, wow, I was so surprised! She was wearing a dress I've never seen before, and she had put on makeup. She was beautiful! She looked grownup!

I admired the dress, and when I said I would never have bought anything like that for her, she asked why? I told her it was because it was so grownup, and in my head she is about eleven years old! Also I always buy arty goth clothes for her, because she looks cute in them, and her black Docs don't really go with the new dress.

I didn't think of taking a picture of her until later, but I will get one the next time she gets dressed up.

What I am knitting today:

I'm almost done with the Baby Surprise Sweater, but I'm not happy with the way something looks and I might rip it out and do it differently. It's only one row that is bothering me. The pattern says to pick up 10 stitches along the 10 ridges you just knitted and then to knit to the end. On the next row you go back along that row and pick up 10 stitches on the other end of the 10 ridges, and that puts the wrong side of the picked-up stitches on the right side of your sweater. I think I can fix that though, so I left it home and I'll work on it tomorrow.

For tonight I brought a sock in the Anastasia pattern, that I'm knitting with Socks That Rock yarn in the Raven Clan Tinglit color.

What I'm reading now:

I finished Septimus Heap Book One: Magyk last night and I really liked it. I read it on my Kindle, and was going to go right ahead and buy the second book when I got distracted ("Ooh! Shiny!") by another book call The Mysterious Benedict Society, another YA book fantasy, so I'm reading that, but when it's finished, I want to get the next Septimus Heap, Flyte.

Yesterday I had a disturbing revelation about my bedroom, and today Rich mentioned it, too, so it must be true -- my bedroom is full of piles of books. Piles of them! I used to just have a stack on the floor by my bed, but since I started hating the Mean Librarian, and began buying books instead of going to the library, more stacks of books have appeared, and there are, well, a lot. I have to do something about that, as well as the piles of (mostly) folded clothes on my dresser. Rich has more clothes piled on his dresser than I do, and I'm wondering what is in the drawers, because everything we wear is stacked on top! In fact, the clutter in the house is really getting out of control. Something must be done!

Oh, and speaking of piles of books, even though I am buying books and downloading them to the Kindle, there are still books that aren't available for the Kindle, so I have to buy hard copies. Two more came in the mail yesterday! I bought Ink Exchange and Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. More Urban Fantasy! Mean Faeries! (What is wrong with me? Apparently I have the literary taste of a 15-year-old girl with hennaed hair and green fingernails. Oh. I guess I never grew out of it.

This week I am planning to stand over encourage Kim to put away the clothes she brought home from college and stack her boxes neatly in her closet or in a corner of her room. I may have to relocate some of the yarn I've been storing there. She may have to move a hundred or so stuffed animals out of that closet to make room for boxes of books that she brought home with her. I think the book hoarding may be in her DNA.

11:33 p.m. - 2008-05-18


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