monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I saved money! Thanks, Diana!

Woke up at two, just as Kim was coming home from riding bikes in the park with Sando. She came into my room just as my cell phone buzzed, and RA was calling to see if I wanted to go with her to do an errand and get a pop.

There was no soda in my house, so I got up and dressed quickly. RA was in my driveway when I got downstairs, with a pop and a McFish sandwich! Yay! Breakfast delivered!

We went to Shopko to fill the prescription that RA was picking up for someone else, and while she did that, I went to the electronics department and picked out a Garmin, because I am tired of driving around lost everytime I leave my town and drive out to the country!

Last week I had to go to Mt. Carroll for that Bible study class Rachel talked me into, and Rachel had to work, so I drove myself and Kim. We got there okay, by calling Kat to ask for directions everytime we missed a turn, but on the way home we went way out of our way and had to call Rachel to look at Mapquest and direct us home!

I'm driving myself and Kim to the class again tomorrow, and I want to be prepared! So I bought the Garmin and then went home to figure out how to work it.

RA came in the house with me so she could look up a phone number, and she was making her call while I looked at the Garmin. I called Diana from my cell to ask how to make it have an English accent, and she asked how much I paid for it, because they were on sale at Walmart! When I told her, she said I could have gotten it $50 dollars cheaper at Walmart, and that I should take it back to Shopko and get a refund.

I hate doing a lot of returning and swapping around, but RA was with me, and she drove me around, so I did it. I went to Shopko, where I was told I would get the same price as Walmart if I brought in the sale ad. Off we went to Walmart (not too far away) to get the ad. The greeter at Walmart helped me find the ad in the sale paper, and OMG, the regular price at Walmart was 50 dollars less than Shopko, and the sale price made it 87 dollars less!! That is a screaming deal!

Back to Shopko, where they were very pleasant and friendly about giving me a refund of my 87 dollars, and as we walked out of the store, I gave RA a twenty out of the wad in my hand, and told her it was her cut! She did all the driving and bolstered me up so that I was brave and actually did it, and I thought she deserved it! She put the money away and said we'd use it for a treat sometime.

After that I went home and plugged my new Garmin in to charge it up. Kim and Catsy were in the living room, sitting on the couch, each with a computer in her lap, and they said that Sando was coming over at 5.

I went to the den to check my email and I could hear the girls talking, to each other, and to someone else, so I assumed they were talking to Catsy's boyfriend on the phone. Except that it sounded like both of them were talking to someone I couldn't hear.

Finally I went back to the living room and asked who they were talking to, and they showed me that a friend of Catsy's was talking to them over the webcam. Oh, okay then. They left the webcam window open on Catsy's laptop all afternoon and into the night, so when Sando came over, it was like all four of them were there, and they talked and ordered pizza and played video games, all with this other kid participating from somewhere in Wisconsin.

When I say 'somewhere in Wisconsin,' I mean that he was at his home in Chippewa Falls, and when the girls told me that, I said, "Oh, where Annie Hall is from," and they said, "Who?" because they have never even heard of the classic Woody Allen movie, one of my all-time favorites! They told the boy on the webcam about it, and he wasn't familiar with it, either, so I ran to and ordered the DVD. (I think I have a copy of it on VHS tape, probably in the attic.) So guess what some little girls are going to watch next week? My other kids have watched a lot of movies with me, but Kim's film education has been neglected!

11:17 p.m. - 2008-05-21


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