monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Now Rich thinks we're even for Celtic Woman, but he's wrong.

I have a headache and I was almost late for work, but we just got back from a concert by a local band that includes our friend Shawn, so it was really fun. There was some weirdness, too, but mostly it was fun and Shawn is so talented (oh yeah, those other guys were okay, too), so we really enjoyed it.

Some of the enjoyment was provided by Shawn's wife, who was wearing their nice new baby in a sling and he was so beautiful!

The concert was at a small venue in Rockford, and I think the band was surprised at how many people showed up! It was obviously friends and family of the band members, so they were an easy crowd to please.

There was an opening act; it was a guy from Chicago whose name I didn't catch. He had a good voice and was nice to look at. His songs all sounded the same, but were pleasant, except for one that made me really uncomfortable, and it started out being about sex but I think it turned out to be about God. Go fig. Rachel said his songs were worship music, which is okay with me, except I really couldn't understand the lyrics, so it could have been devil worship for all I know.

Oh, but there was a guy there, right in the front row in front of the stage, who was maybe a little bit off-kilter, or Special, if you know what I mean, and he was very excited about the music and kept raising his hand, as if he had a question, and Some People sitting next to me were being really quite funny about it (but not in a mean way), but it was just a cultural thing - people who listen to music like that, raise their hands when moved by the music. It was just odd because he was the only one! Later in the show he stood up and raised both hands, but no one else did.

The lead singers were a married couple (most of the band members were brothers, and she was the wife of one), and she had a nice voice, but could someone please explain her outfit to me? She was wearing a kind of peasanty dress, with a little cardigan over it, fine, fine, not what I would choose, but not terrible, but umm, she was wearing jeans under her dress! Like she got dressed by taking off the t-shirt she was wearing with a pair of jeans and putting the dress over her head, and then, 'it's a little nippy out, better wear a sweater, oh, is it time to go already, let me just put on my red satin slippers' but in her hurry she forgot to take off her jeans? So yeah, the dress, the red slippers she pulled off the witch's feet after the house landed on her, and the jeans. Interesting.

Okay, I need to wrap this up and get some work done, so let me just end by saying that the band was good, one of the brothers was so cute I could hardly look away (I wish Kim had been there to meet him), and we had a good time. We had to leave immediately afterward, so there was no time to talk to Shawn. They are performing again in a couple of weeks, so maybe I'll take Kim next time.

11:16 p.m. - 2008-05-31


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