monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm drinking a wild cherry Diet Pepsi.

You may have noticed that my journal was all messed up yesterday! I did that myself, while trying to be clever, and I was so frustrated with it last night that I just left it. I didn't care who saw it in its crapped-up state!

I asked Rachel to fix it, and she fooled around with it a little last night, but it was late and she couldn't see an easy fix, either. Tonight I asked her to look at it again, and I told her what I thought would maybe work, that is, changing the template of the journal, and she was kind enough to do it for me, and ta da! Fixed! It's a miracle! Thanks, Rachel!

So I'm back at work tonight, and I forgot my Kindle, into which I had just downloaded four Stephanie Plum mysteries, and I am in the middle of the second one in the series, and I wanted to finish it tonight! Lucky for me, Kim is home, so I called and asked her to please deliver my Kindle to me, and she grumped around about it for a minute, but she brought it.

When she got down here to my office, she looked around and shuddered, and said that this area is probably haunted! It's the computer department, it's the farthest thing from haunted that I can imagine! I told her the closest thing we have to death down here is the time I tried to pry a tape out of a machine in the server room with a butter knife and I was a little afraid that I might be electrocuted, but then she started babbling about putting some kind of ghost-recording machine down here - she says you let it run all night and play it back in the morning - and then I would hear any ghosts that are down here.

Okay, I don't think there are any ghosts, and if there were, I wouldn't want to know about them! I work down here alone all night! I pointed out to her that the morgue is just around the corner and maybe she could 'sense' some paranormal activity over there, but I don't think she was going to try.

What I did today:

Kim and I were going to take a walk this evening, and as we were putting on our shoes, Rich came downstairs to walk the dog, so we all went on a walk together.

We walked the two-mile walk, and I am so stiff tonight! It was hot out there, and sunny, and by the time we started back home I was so tired, and I was just dragging. Kim usually brings a bottle of water, but she forgot, and I really missed it! I'm glad we got the walk, but oh, the suffering.

While we were walking we saw one of the deaf men that I used to do a lot of interpreting for, so that was fun. We stopped and talked to him, and he was surprised at how old Kim is, since he first met her when she was about 6! It was good to talk to him! I hardly ever see him anymore since the laws in Illinois (and everywhere else) have become stricter about requiring licensed interpreters. It's a good change, and I always felt that I wasn't skilled enough to do the job, but I was all that was available back then, and the deaf people were happy to have me! My signing is really rusty now that I'm not using it every day. I'm a little embarrassed when I do talk to someone with my deteriorating skills, but then I remember that I am about a thousand percent better than anyone else they talk to in the course of a day, including, shamefully, their own (hearing) family members!

What I'm knitting today:

I finished sock #1 of another pair of white nurse socks for Rachel, and started a new sock with some striped Opal. I've used a lot of other sock yarns, but Opal and Regia are still my favorites for socks that last long and keep their looks. I ordered more Opal from an eBay seller in Germany, and a month later, she wrote and said the package was returned to her! Ebay had given her Kim's address in Utah, where she no longer lives, so the package was returned. Now it will be another three weeks, probably, until I get the yarn I ordered.

What I saw at the movies:

Yesterday Rich went with me to see a movie that he thought was going to be one of the wierd movies he's never heard of that I always want to go to, but hah! The joke was on him because yes, he'd never heard of it, but he loved it! We saw Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, and it was great! I told him that we need to go to a movie every week, so we can be entertained and eat nachos, and he agreed.

Okay, gotta go do some work now.

11:11 p.m. - 2008-06-04


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