monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


June Gloom in Illinois.

Diana told me that three cars were towed out of the parking lot at her store this evening after a woman's flip-flop got caught under the gas pedal and she rammed the cars. That makes me feel much better about the little scrape Kim put on the fender of a crabby old dear's car when we went out to breakfast on Friday.

Kim had company when I woke up, one of her friends who is also home from college for the summer. They sat in the living room, reading their novels (works-in-progress) out loud to each other all afternoon, and you know I could not possibly sit there and listen to that, but I didn't have anything else to do!

I called RA, but she still has some of her family visiting, and I tried Rachel, but she wasn't home. I even IM'd Rich and asked if he wanted to go out with me, but he was too busy!

There wasn't any Diet Pepsi in the house, so I had to get dressed and go out by myself in search of a soda. I remembered that my friend Shelley is home now that school is out, so I called her as I left the house, and it was great, because she was sorting through a pile of mail and papers, and she had time to talk on the phone while she sorted!

I drove through Taco Bell and sat in the parking lot of the mall to eat, and it was so pleasant. It was 70 degrees, not too hot, and I sat in the car with the windows down and talked on the phone. Once the Diet Pepsi kicked in I felt like I had the strength to go to the store, so I went shopping for a few groceries, still talking, and I got a lot of good scoop from her, because she always knows everything that is going on!

By the time I got home I was feeling better about my life, but the girls were still in the living room. I unpacked my groceries and went up to my room to read and cool off in my bedroom, because it was only 70 degrees, but so humid!

I made dinner, and even though I was just at the store, I had to send Kim out to get a can of tomatoes to make curried chicken! She also did some laundry for me today, so yay!

After dinner Kim dragged me out for a walk and we went the two mile route. Yes, it was two miles, but it was at a snail's pace, because I was really dragging. I'm sure we (and by we, I mean me) will get more endurance if we keep it up.

Here's what I am wondering tonight. What am I going to do with all the stuff in my house? We own too much! We have thousands (really) of books, and just tons of other crap! I was looking at it all today and it was kind of depressing, but that might just be because of the aura of pervading gloom brought on by the weather! It's been cloudy and rainy for almost two weeks!

The Wisdom of Kim

I told Kim about the walk Rachel and Ash took around midnight last night, on a route that took them by a big cemetary out in the country, and she was horrified! She said, "Anything could have grabbed them out there, from Big Foot to a hobo!"

As we were heading home, starting the second mile of our walk, I said I needed to go to the bathroom, and she said, "That means you're well hydrated," so I told her I needed to poop! and she just nodded and said, "Then you're getting enough to eat." And apparently I am just a big whiner.

11:37 p.m. - 2008-06-09


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