monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I went for a walk, but that's all I did.

I slept off and on all day today. I was tired! I got up about 2 and called RA to see what she was doing, but she was driving her (insane) sister to the airport, and I was still sleepy, so I went back to bed.

When I got up again, Kim said that Sando and Catsy were coming over, but that Sando wasn't happy that Catsy was going to be there. Kim would have told Catsy not to come, but she said she is running out of excuses to keep putting off her friends who want to spend time with her! It's funny because you'd think Kim would want to have her friends over, but the truth is that she just likes to be alone, to think and write, and to read crap on the internet. She is perfectly happy never spending time with any of her friends, and the only reason she spends so much time around Sando is that he is the same way.

They just sit in the same room, sometimes on the same couch, each with their laptop, and sometimes one will show the other something they are reading, or looking at, or in Sando's case, listening to, and they can sit there all day like that. When they get hungry they send out for pizza or go out for something, and then they come back and sit down with their laptops again.

Another thing they do is play a video game, which means one plays and the other watches, while also playing something on their laptop and maybe IMing someone else. They are just wierd like that, but it works for them.

So Sando was coming over but then Catsy called and wanted to come, and Kim couldn't put her off - but I told her that next time she doesn't want someone to come over, she should blame it on me and say that I said she can't have anyone over until her room is cleaned - so then Sando was annoyed because it was his only day off this week and he didn't want to spend it with Catsy. They all played MarioKart for hours and sent out for pizza, so it was fine, except that Catsy is loud, but I was tired anyway so I went back to bed in my room where it is quiet and didn't get up again until 8:30-ish.

Kim wanted to get a walk tonight, so after Catsy went home, we took a walk with Sando. When I have the two of them to walk with, I can do the longer (two-mile) walk, because they are talking and entertaining me. He was talking about the video game he's making and Kim talked about a story she's been working on in her head (nothing is on paper yet), and I just trudged along, sipping from a bottle of water that Kim brought.

Another benefit of having boys over is that they can help Rich move furniture so I don't have to! He recruited Sando to help carry two heavy trunks up to his office to use as a table for his Linux computer. I haven't been up there in a while, but I have a feeling his office looks like Mission Control!

12:56 a.m. - 2008-06-19


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