monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I brag about my glamorous life.

Ow! My head hurts! I am out of Diet Pepsi in the house, so I didn't have any since lunch yesterday at the Chinese Buffet, and that wss okay, it allowed me to sleep well, but this morning? Ow! The headache!

Rachel wanted to go out to breakfast so she could rant about one of the other nurses who got on her nerves all night, and I got a big Diet Coke at McD's, so that is helping a little.

When Kim wakes up, we need to go to the grocery store, and I'll stock up on soda. Kim needs a few groceries to take with her for the weekend - she is going to be dogsitting at Kat's house. Kat is leaving food there for her, but Kim wants to take a few things, too, partly because Kat is a vegetarian, so Kim needs to have milk and eggs, and also, frozen pepperoni pizza. The staples.

Last night Rich and Kim went to see the fireworks, and I stayed home with the nervous dog and the cats (also nervous). They said it was a good show, and I'm sure it was - I could hear it from here! Sitting on the ground, surrounded by hillbillies and misquitos is not my idea of a fun evening. Sando met them there when he got off of work, but I don't know how he was able to find them in that crowd!

This is my weekend off, and I have lots of laundry to do, and some boxes to drop off at the Goodwill. Rachel still gets some mail here, so I can take that to her along with a box of roving that Kim found in her closet. (Roving is unspum wool, that spinners can turn into yarn, if they aren't too busy playing video games to spin any yarn for their mothers to knit!)

So those are my weekend plans, wash clothes (not necessarily to fold them), and get some boxes out of the front hallway. You know you wish you were me.

8:16 a.m. - 2008-07-04


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