monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


They'll be home today!

So yesterday I woke up at noon and was wandering sadly around the house, having cleaned up a big pile of dog poop in the den, because you know, that's what I do when Rich is gone, and the cat box needed cleaning, too, so the whole house was depressing, RA was out of town, and I was alone, alone, sniff...

Then I pulled myself together and checked the mail and there was a happy little package for me from Catsoul! She had sent me a bottle of her patchouli oil and some beautiful soap! How nice was that? It made me feel so much better! I dabbed some patchouli on immediately, and it smells so exotic and good, and then this morning when I woke up, I sat down at the computer to check my mail (because that's what I do when I get up), there was the little brown bottle and I dabbed a little more on and said, Yes, that is what my life smells like now!

Also, as a public service announcement, I will tell you that when you change the litter in the cat box, it makes your life better if you have special Catsoul soap (Catsoap, haha!) to wash your hands with after!

I just talked to Kim on the phone and they are in the car and driving across Ohio right now, so yay! They will be home around 5 p.m.!

9:53 a.m. - 2008-07-11


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