monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Penelope Peace Plant, Goddess of the Grass

Kim and Catsy are at my house making videos tonight. Catsy has been making the vlogs, which I feel so guilty for, because they were my idea, and who knew she was so boring? Now she has a better idea, and it sounds like it might be good. She wants to draw a webcomic, one about her and her friends (of course), and it's about gaming, which is what they do. It sounds good when she is talking about it, anyway.

Kim is making little movies of video games that she plays, and then tapes herself narrating the action. She calls them 'Walkthroughs', and she's posting them on Youtube under the name Kraele. She posted one last night that is short and cute. She's doing another one tonight, but it's quite a bit longer, so we'll see how that goes.

The girls made a video earlier this week that they put on Youtube. In the video, Kim plays the part of a member of the Cult of Grass, named Penelope Peace Plant, who is opposed to mowing and other abuse of lawns. It's an idea that Catsy came up with while doing lawn maintainance at the golf course. They're planning a second part to the video to be taped later, in which they will be picketing a man mowing his lawn, with signs saying things like 'Mowing Is Murder.' I think they are just waiting for a day when they have a couple of their friend available to fill out the picket line.

I went shopping with RA today and found some extra-long twin bed sheets for Kim to take the dorm with her this Fall. I mentioned to Rachel that I bought new sheets because I just didn't want to have to stand on a stool and dig around way in the back of the linen closet to find the sheets that Rachel and Scott used when they lived in the dorms, and that sent Rachel off on a bitter remembrance of when Kim was raising a baby bird in her bedroom that had fallen out of the nest. The bird had gotten big enough to fly around the room (and freak me out on a daily basis, because I could hear it in there!) and it was pooping all over the room, including on Rachel's sheets that Kim had mistakenly put on her bed. FYI, bird poop stains do not wash out, and Rachel refused to ever use those sheets again.

11:36 p.m. - 2008-07-16


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