monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I did a few things.

So, the good news is that it was slightly cooler and less humid today! Yay! I was able to do a couple of things today!

Kim was getting ready to leave the house as I was getting up - she was packing a bag to go to Sando's birthday party! Who knew that one tiny girl would need a huge totebag full of stuff and her messenger bag to drive across town to a birthday party? She had packed her bathing suit (and probably took her own towel, too), but the only other thing I saw her put in the bag was MarioKart for the WII and the steering wheels that go with it! When I saw that, I knew she was going to be gone for a long time.

So there I was, home alone with the dog. I sat in front of my computer in my nightgown for a long time, reading gossip pages and blogs, but then I started to feel like I was wasting a decent day.

That feeling led to action, and I went upstairs, took a shower and got dressed, then folded a basket of clean laundry (mostly because it was my clothes and I wanted something clean to put on), then I stripped my bed and put on clean sheets! That clean bed made me so happy!

I wanted to lay on the bed and read a book and maybe go back to sleep, but instead I went downstairs and cooked! It's been so hot that I haven't cooked much - are you familiar with the phrase 'sweating over a hot stove'? I miss having good stuff to eat, and you know in my house, if I don't cook, there won't be anything to eat.

I made a big pan of Rachael Ray's Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli and Chicken. It makes a big pan and I will have leftovers for a couple of days.

Just as I pulled the mac and cheese out of the oven, I got a call from my knitting friend Heidi, who was having trouble fixing a boo-boo on the baby sweater she was making. She brought it over to my house, and was happy to have a bowl of mac and cheese while I fixed her knitting. She said her family is out of town, too, except for her youngest son, who was having dinner at a friend's house, so she was glad to get something to eat that she didn't have to make.

Heidi has been having some landscaping done, so she drove me back to her house to show it to me. She lives in a twisty, windy, hilly area, and I can almost never find her house! If I do, it's by accident! Her husband told me once that when they first moved there, he got lost every day going home after work.

When I got home again, Kim was still gone, so I walked the dog and went back to bed. Tomorrow I should probably wash the dishes.

11:11 p.m. - 2008-07-22


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