monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I took a walk in the hotness!

So last night when I was whining to Diana about my boring life, she pointed out that I never even update my journal, that I might even be updating (gasp!) less than Sarah, which is so not true I am not going to dignify it with an argument, but it is true that I don't update every night like I keep saying I'm going to.

Hence the post that I am writing now, which is about nothing, because writing about nothing is better than not writing at all, at least according to Diana.

Kim's friend Clark is in town for three days, visiting from Phoenix, where he has been living for two years. He went out there to go to a vocational school and learn drafting, but he has not found a job in his field after his internship and has been working at *bucks, as a barista, but then his hours were cut back and now he's a security guard at a bank. He came to town because his grandma is in the hospital, and after visiting her this afternoon, he is spending the evening playing MarioKart with Kim and Sando. He was playing with Kim until the game was making her furious, then she handed her steering wheel/controller over to Sando, and she sat back in a chair with her DS to play Phoenix Wright, the new obsession.

While the other two were playing the game, Sando was sitting on the couch with his laptop, doing his version of Name That Tune. He skips through the vast amount of music he has stored in his laptop, playing a few bars of this and that and asking Kim if she knows them, or telling her something about them if he knows she doesn't. It amuses me because he likes a lot of music from the 70s and 80s.

The weather here has been around 80 all week, and not as humid as last week, thank goodness, so I have been able to do some cooking, and I even forced myself to do all of the dirty dishes on Thursday afternoon, so Rich would not have to come home to a tower of dirty bowls and plates. He was not as grateful as I expected - he seems to think I should have put them all away, too! Sheesh! I was letting them airdry!

So Kim and I have been trying to get a walk for exersize every day, and we missed a couple of days this week because she wasn't home, but today we thought it would be best to go early and get it out of the way, since Sando and Clark would be over later.

Rich had just come in from walking the dog, and we asked him how it was outside, and he said it was hot, in a way that suggested it was hot but not intolerable, so we put on our shoes and went out. Well, guess what? It was hot! I was not miserable as we walked the first mile, but oh my goodness, on the way home, it was terrible! It was hot like the fires of Hell or Phoenix! Kim had brought a bottle of water, and we kept drinking from it, but it really wasn't relieving my suffering! We slowed our pace, and that helped a little, but I could feel how red my face was, and I started to whimper, but Kim told me to suck it up and we'd be home soon. She kept reminding me that when we got home I would be able to lay down in the air conditioning, and I would be able to go to the bathroom (I told her I had to pee, but she just said it meant I was hydrated).

Well, I didn't die, and I did make it home, where we have both cool air and a bathroom, and I lay on my bed and talked to Diana on the phone while she ate lunch and also, amused me with stories of the idiots she works with. After that, I took a nap!

Well, that's what I did today. Diana, I hope you're happy!

11:07 p.m. - 2008-07-25


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