monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I love my knitting today.

Today I had to sleep with the air-conditioner going in my room again because one of my neighbors was having something jackhammered! I have no idea what was going on over there, but I was pretty bitter about it. And right next door, there was a lot of hammering and sawing, too. So my whole neighborhood is undergoing renovations. Tonight I got an email from the next door neighbors, with pictures of their lovely new cedar fence. Thanks so much for sharing.

I managed to sleep, though, thanks to the noisy air-conditioner, and my best friend, Tylenol PM. I took one when I got home from work, while I was waiting for Rachel to come for breakfast. She worked last night, too, and it was nice to have her come by and eat before she went home to bed. By the time she left, I was sleepy enough that I barely had time to fume about the noise before I went to sleep.

The rest of the day was quiet and I watched one of my favorite movies, Manhattan Murder Mystery, with Kim and Catsy. They went out to pick cherries while I made dinner for them, because the cherries are ripe and I hate to see them just get eaten by birds. I'll freeze them and make cherry crisp or something with them later.

I made Shrimp Linguine for the girls, which is the simplest thing in the world to make and is really good. It's one of Kim's favorites.

What I'm reading today:

I'm reading the third book in a series that starts with Dead Witch Walking, by Kim Harrison, but I haven't read the second book yet. I got the order wrong, so I'm reading the third one and then I'll go back and read the second. They're so good I can hardly put them down to do anything else!

What I'm knitting:

Still working on the Basic Chic Pulli. I love the color! I'm knitting it with Cotton Fleece and the color is Mariner Blue. I've got gauge with size 5 needles and the knitting is moving right along. I left the pattern at home tonight, so I had to call Kim and she read the rest of the body instructions to me over the phone while I scribbled them down on scrap paper. This is so pleasant to work on while I read a good book!

11:38 p.m. - 2008-07-29


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