monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Lots of rain!

Kim and Rachel left for camp this morning, Kim to be a counselor and Rachel to be camp nurse. As they were packing the car, it started raining, but was letting up by the time they left the house.

I was really sleepy, but I stayed up until they left, and then I went right to bed. Even the incessant noise of power saws that is the accompaniment to my life this summer did not keep me awake.

Rich came in and woke me up in the afternoon to say that I had a phone call from Karin, who is visiting from Idaho! Yay! She came by with her husband, also named Rich, and her sister Kelly, and the pretty baby, who is not a baby anymore! I think she might be 5 years old now! Wow! The pretty baby, whose name is Cassidy, showed me the toys she got in her Happy Meal, and asked if I wanted to play with them. I said okay, and she handed me a little plastic cat and informed me that I could be the cat, and that I didn't talk. I wasn't really involved in the playing, but whenever she came near me, I held up the cat and said 'mew'.

All of us were tired (they just arrived here today, having driven all the way from Idaho!), so it wasn't the most exciting visit, but I was so happy to see them! They brought photos of Karin's knitted Turtle Family, and showed me the ones she is going to submit to the calendar contest, and they are so cute!

When they left, I went back to bed and slept another couple of hours. There was another storm tonight, worse than the one in the morning. We had a couple of momentary power outages, but they were just blips, so Rich and I sat in the living room and watched TV with the dog. I was going to check my email before work, but the internet was down. Good thing it's working fine here at the hospital! A security guard just stopped in and told me that the power is still out in a couple of the small towns in the area.

What I'm knitting today:

I gave up on using the Encore to make another Classic Pulli. I just wasn't getting the gauge with it. This afternoon I pulled out some pink Cotton Fleece and started one for Carolyn with that. I still want to make the Cassidy, so I'm going to look in the yarn room tomorrow and see what I've got that I can use for it.

What I'm reading today:

Still reading Silent in the Grave, and I realized last night that I've read it before. I remember who the murderer is, but I've forgotten how he did it, and why, so I'm enjoying it again.

11:49 p.m. - 2008-08-04


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