monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


White noise.

I've talked about the amount of noise in the neighborhood this summer (and by talked, I mean 'complained bitterly'), and I've been dealing with it by closing the windows in the bedroom and turning on the air-conditioner to make a masking noise. Yesterday I got a surprise in the mail - Rich ordered a little machine for me, one that makes white noise to mask all the noise of our neighbors and their construction projects!

So this was the first day of sleeping with my white noise maker, and it was great. It was louder than I expected, but it was soothing and pleasant. I slept well, and was not bothered by the noise of power saws or jackhammers. It was a nice change.

Sando IM'd me tonight to ask if Kim is going crazy at camp without her computer. I told him she had her DS with her, but she would have to hide to play it, and he said she could hide in the bathroom. Poor Kim. The last time she went to camp as a camper, she took her cell phone and was hiding in the bathhouse to call me (so she could complain about spiders) and my friend Heidi walked in on her. She said Kim looked guilty and worried, because they aren't supposed to have phones. I had told Kim to take hers in case she got lost in the woods, but she only used it for calling me to let me know how much she was suffering.

I'm down to the armholes on the pink Classic Pulli, and today I found myself looking on eBay for the yarn to make another one. They're so cute, and so easy and fun to make! I wonder if I have enough of this pink to make another one?

11:35 p.m. - 2008-08-05


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