monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Samoilovs is my favorite!

This weekend has been all about watching the Olympics! I love the Olympics, and I watch as much as I can, until I get burned out on about Day Nine. I watched the very cute Latvian team beat the US team in Men's Beach Vollyball - those Latvian boys were so enthusiastic, you had to love them! Also watched the first couple of games of Women's Beach Volleyball. Rich was tired and went upstairs to take a nap, but told me if there was any hugging, to call him, and Sando sent me an IM saying "Mmmm, Women's Beach Volleyball!" Hah! Who knew he even liked girls? We always thought he pretty much was a girl!

Actually that is a bit harsh, because Sando does come through when Kim needs someone to do manly things. She was texting me from camp this week about the giant spider in her tent, and how she had to get one of the other counselors to get it out of the tent (apparently they are too tender-hearted to kill a spider, even a big one!). Later I asked her if she missed Sando and she said Yes, because he would have killed the spider and not made fun of her until later.

Since Kim has been home from camp, she has gone to Sando's every night to swim in the pool and watch the Olympics on their bigger TV, with their laptops on their laps. Yeah, their internet service is better than ours, and their dog has better manners, too. I'm lucky she ever comes home.

While watching the Olympics, I've been working on the pink sweater for Carolyn. It's almost done! I'll get a picture of Kim wearing it when it's finished.

Since the pink sweater is almost too big to work on at work, I left it at home last night and started the cabled hoodie called Cassidy. I just grabbed some yarn from my stash that I knew I could get gauge with, so I'm using Woolease in a darkish grey.

The sweater is knitting up beautifully, but I'm going to need more of the yarn. I thought I had six skeins, but can only find four. I need to go out tomorrow to buy some dishcloth cotton to replace what we mooched from my neighbor on Thursday, so I'll check at Joann F@brics.

So that's what's going on here, knitting and Olympics. Go USA - and the cute Latvian Beach Boys!

11:11 p.m. - 2008-08-10


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