monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I'm up very early in the morning.

Rich and Kim left yesterday about three in the afternoon to drive her and all her stuff to school. I stayed here with Buffy, for one reason and another. We'll take the dog and go down to visit Kim in a couple of weeks.

Kim had her braces taken off yesterday before they left, and is wearing retainers, which make her lisp! It's pretty funny.

Last night was knitting group and only Sando's mom came to knit, which was fine with me. I'm happy to sit and talk to her anytime. I told her I want to keep Thursday nights open for knitting, even if only one other person shows up, because as long as we do, it will grow. RA was feeling a bit left out, because she's not a knitter, but she's planning to come next week. She can work on another dishcloth - it only took her a year or so to make the first one.

Kim called while Sando's mom was here, to tell me they were at the hotel and that it rained really hard the whole trip down there. I knew they were driving in the rain, because I called Rich while I was walking Buffy and I could hear the rain! He said that it looked like Kim was doing fine, and that he had called her to tell her to turn her lights on! Too bad he never replaced the windshield wipers in the van like I asked him to. I bet he'll do it when he gets home, now that it's inconvenienced him!

I was so sleepy after Sando's mom left, that I went right to bed, so of course I woke up really early! I've been up since about 3:30! Took Buffy out to potty at 5:30, and now I'm waiting for RA to wake up so we can go out to breakfast. I think I'll go up and read in bed until I hear from her.

6:28 a.m. - 2008-08-22


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