monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The history of Tom what?

I just talked to Kim, the English major. She changed from Animation to English with a Creative Writing minor, so she'll be doing a lot of reading. She said she's suppposed to read the first third of The History of Tom Jode this weekend, and I have never heard of it, so while I was chatting with her in an IM window, I was searching the Project Gutenberg website for The History of Tom Jode. I asked her if the name was right, and she said it might be Tom Joad. Huh.

So I looked, thinking that if it was an old book, it must be on Gutenberg, and then I searched Amazon, and finally I asked if she meant Tom Jones, and she said, yes, that was it. Well, okay then, that I've heard of! I downloaded a copy to my Kindle, and I'll read it this weekend. I have a vague recollection of reading it in high school, scanning it quickly for the naughty parts but not really finding any. It's supposed to be funny, but I doubt very much that it will be a laugh-riot, or even as very amusing as Bridget Jones Diary!

Tonight was knitting group, and a few people came to it this time, not like last week when it was only Sando's mom and me! This was Heidi's last time with us, because she is moving on Tuesday. Waah! I'll miss her.

Other than knitting, I don't have a lot going on here. It's my weekend off, and I have to clean my bedroom, and also gather up all the things on the list Kim gave me, of things she needs but forgot to take to school with her. Rachel and Ash are going to drive down to visit her on Monday, and take the harp and all of her other stuff. Rachel has a few days off and she thought it would be nice to take a little trip to St. Louis, and to say hi to Kim.

What I'm knitting today:

Worked on the Cassidy sweater during knitting group. I've got several things started but nothing I'm very excited about.

What I cooked today:

I made a pasta salad and pork chops for dinner, both very good! For some reason I end up cooking something every Thursday, and Judy always mentions how good the house smells. Last week I thought the house smelled like Litterbox, so I made cinnamon rolls on purpose to cover it up!

What I'm reading:

It's going to be the History of Tom Jones. I'm going upstairs to read it in bed while I knit.

10:48 p.m. - 2008-08-28


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