monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I went out of town and bought more yarn.

Well, the weekend is over, and I'm back at work. Actually, I was back at work last night, too, but I was feeling a little disconnected, so I just read a book and knitted on a sock, and didn't try to update.

On Friday I was feeling sorry for myself because I had the weekend looming ahead and nothing to do, and then Rich suggested that we could drive down to E-ville to visit Kim and deliver her harp to her! So we packed up the car and the dog, and were on the road in about an hour.

We stopped at the library as we were leaving town, and Rich waited in the car with Buffy while I ran in and got a couple of audiobooks for the trip. One of them was Magyk, by Angie Sage, the first of a four-book series for middle-grade kids. I just recently read all four books on my Kindle, and I thought Rich would like it, and he did, so we listened to that all the way there and back. (We didn't finish it, so Rich is going to listen to the last couple of hours of it while he walks the dog.)

We spent the night in the motel, and met up with Kim at the dorm in the morning. She got the key to the elevator from the front desk, and permission to take Buffy up to her room, too! Buffy sniffed everything and then tried to pull an empty chip bag out of the trash can.

With everything in place in Kim's room, we left and went downtown to find the yarn store. The downtown area is very cute, and has a lot of stores I would have liked to look into, so we have that to look forward to on another trip. It was still early when we got there and the yarn store wasn't open yet, so we walked down the hill to see what was in a peach-colored barn just outside of downtown.

It was a doll store! There were antique dolls, and fancy character dolls - Harry Potter and Wizard of Oz dolls - and creepy baby dolls, and doll accessories. Kim and I looked around while Rich walked Buffy outside. I bought a Christmas present for someone there! The old guy at the cash register said there was more upstairs, but I can only look at so many dolls, and we didn't want to make Rich wait outside too long, either.

We went back up the hill to the yarn store, and it had just opened! It was a great store, with lots of stuff to see! The girl who was working there invited Buffy to come in, so Rich and Buffy hung out at the front of the store while Kim and I shopped. Rich sat on the couch and read some children's books, and Buffy fell asleep on the floor in front of the door, and had to be shoved out of the way when other customers came in!

Kim picked out some yarn for two more scarves, and I bought some sock yarn, and yarn from a local sheep farm to make a fisherman's sweater. We got a flyer advertising classes, too, and I think I'll encourage Kim to sign up for a class to improve her knitting skills. She said she was a little embarrassed that she can only knit scarves!

We drove around another little town for a while, looking for a gas station, and after that it was time to take Kim back to the dorm, and we headed for home. Kim had a lot of homework this weekend, and she needed to get back to work!

We got back to our house about 7:30 Saturday night. I don't think the cats missed us.

Be sure to go over to Sarah's journal and read about the half marathon she ran on Sunday! I'm so proud of her!

11:33 p.m. - 2008-09-01


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