monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm tired.

When I got home this morning, I was wide awake and had a hard time going to sleep. I made Chicken Paella in the crockpot and left a note on the counter for Rich to turn it off at 1, and went upstairs to bed. I couldn't sleep, and after a while I got up and took a Tylenol PM. I went back to bed and read more of The History of Tom Jones, and you'd think that would have knocked me right out, but you'd be wrong. I slogged through a few pages before I stopped reading it out of boredom.

I did finally sleep, but woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon, wide awake! I called RA and she picked me up to go get a BLT at Dairy Queen, our new favorite lunch! Today is RA's birthday, and she had a box in the car that she had just gotten in the mail from her (insane) sister, containing various little gifts and four birthday cards! Included in the box was a gift bag with a card and a gift for me! I feel a bit guilty for not liking her now, but that is how she operates, I think; she gives gifts to buy love.

My gift was two balls of hemp yarn, in red and cream, and of course I am always happy to get yarn, but whoa! This is some scratchy stuff! I brought it to work with me tonight and I looked around on the internet to find a pattern written for hemp yarn, but all of the patterns were for pleasantly soft yarn, not this rough stuff. I decided it would make a good, hard-wearing dishcloth, so that's what I'm making tonight. Dishcloths are a satisfying project, because they are little, meaning they can be finished in no time at all, giving one the joy of a finished project!

Yesterday was another friend's birthday, so RA and I met her after work (hers) this afternoon and we all went to get ice cream. Since she is working now, we don't talk as much as we used to, so it was nice to sit and gossip exchange information about people we know.

When I got home, I went back to bed, and slept restlessly until about 9. While I was sleeping, Rich went on a ten-mile bike ride with the Young Men's group from church. Good for him. I'm still a little groggy!

12:25 a.m. - 2008-09-04


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