monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Another night at work.

Saturday (or was that Friday? No, it was Saturday) was a really long day because I could not sleep! I went home from work in the morning and went right to bed and slept for two hours. Two hours! That's not enough! I couldn't go back to sleep! I stayed in bed, and waited for sleep, but I could hear vacuuming noises from Rich's office right over my head, and I thought I might be missing something (?) so I got up.

Went to the kitchen, made something to eat and then went back to bed. Where I tossed and turned and tried different pillows - because we have about 8 on our bed that we push onto the floor when we are actually sleeping, but when we are reading or watching TV in bed, we like a lot of pillows! I may have dozed for a little while, but pretty soon I was wide awake again.

Back downstairs, and I took a Tylenol PM, and then read web journals and looked at videos of Soren on Youtube, and talked on the phone, and finally I started to feel sleepy again, so I went back upstairs to bed. I couldn't go to sleep! I tried to think soothing thoughts, like about knitting, and about visiting Scott and Carolyn at the end of the month (but that leads to thoughts about flying, which are not soothing!), and after a while I got up again.

RA suggested we go out and get a pop and take a ride, which we do all the time, just ride around looking at the countryside, in spite of the price of gas! So she picked me up, and we got a soda, and drove, and talked, and you'd think I would have gotten sleepy, but no. Possibly the caffeine in my Diet Pepsi was working against the T. PM.

I did eventually get some sleep. I went to bed at about 6 in the evening and Rich woke me up in time to drag in to work, feeling very groggy. It wasn't the best night I've ever had at work!

So today I slept until noonish, and went back to bed after dinner, and in between, I made Polenta with Parmesan Cheese, and also a pot of chili, and together they were fantastic!

Rich was watching golf on TV, so I sat and watched a little, but mostly I was knitting the Alligator Scarf. I hate working on it, with the fiddly little counting bits, so I can only do it when I am watching TV, but it can't be anything too interesting, because then I lose count. So golf is just about right.

So I'm back at work, and I've got something to read and some knitting, but first I need to do some boring work and then I can relax. I downloaded some books to the Kindle last night and read one of them, The Body in the Gallery by Katherine Hall Page, but I have two more to read. I've been struggling through Tom Jones, but geez, what a boring book. Also, it's not funny. It maybe was what passed for humor in the 1800s, but it's very ponderous stuff now.

I'm knitting a sweater for myself, and I hardly ever do this, but I was cold the other day and I have a new pattern from Chicknits, the new hoodie pattern that I can't think of the name of right now, and anyway, I am planning to do a collar instead of a hood. I'm just using some light grey Woolease that I recently bought a large amount of for almost nothing on eBay, so it's nothing fancy, just something to wear when I'm walking. Hmm, maybe I should make the hood, because sometimes when I take a walk, especially in the Fall, it's colder and windier than I think, and when I'm halfway through the walk, I wish I had a hat! I have plenty of time to decide about the hood, because the sweater is knit from the neck down, in one piece (my favorite!), and the hood is added last.

Okay, I need to do some work now, and then I can relax and knit!

1:08 a.m. - 2008-09-08


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