monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Give me back my golden arm!

I didn't clean the dog's window today, but maybe that will happen tomorrow. Today when I woke up, I found a note on the kitchen counter that said 'Bring donuts, string, and cider.'

It was obviously a shopping list from Rich, and I was just waking up, so I ignored it and went looking for a can of Diet Pepsi, but there wasn't any! Oh noes!

I called RA, who said she had just eaten lunch but was happy to go out to get a soda, and off we went. I took Rich's list with me.

We stopped at DQ for a BLT, then went to the P.O. to mail the pumpkin hat to her grandson. When we went to the grocery store, we got the pop, and the cider, but there weren't any donuts!

Instead of going to the other grocery store, which would have been the smart thing to do, we took a long drive out to the orchard, where we got donuts, more cider, a big bag of big apples, and a box of cashew crunch, which is like peanut brittle but much, much better.

Rachel and Ash were at our house when I got home. Rachel was sitting at the picnic table, knitting the Dr. Who scarf and keeping Ash company while he constructed the phone booth/time machine.

Rachel helped carry in the groceries, and then she kept me company so I could make some Black Bean Soup. We were planning to eat the soup before we went to the rehearsal, but the soup wasn't quite done.

Buffy was hanging around the kitchen looking sad while we cooked, so I gave her a piece of yellow pepper to demonstrate to Rachel that yes, the dog will eat vegetables. Buffy also ate a piece of potato, and Rachel was suitably astonished. (Later there was a rumor that the dog ate potato peelings, but Rich denies it.)

Ash stayed home to work on the phone booth and the rest of us went to the church for the rehearsal. The play looks better every time we do it, and if we had another couple of weeks it could be very entertaining, but since we are doing it on Saturday, well, not so much.

We did manage to get through the whole performance this time, and it was Rich's first time to play the part of the Doctor. He did a great job and we were proud of him!

Big Dave's mom really came through with costumes and props, but at the end, we realized that we needed a severed arm. We hadn't mentioned it when we made the list of props, and Big Dave's mom didn't know about it, so we told her what we needed it for, and talked a little about how to make one. Sigh. Just one more thing we need to do before Saturday.

We loaded everything into the back of the van, which Rachel and I were driving, and Ash met us back at the house with their car. We decided to just leave the props in the van, and Rachel and Ash went home. Rachel has a cold and she really wanted to get to bed!

Rich was still at the church, carving pumpkins with the youth group (and eating the donuts and cider!), so Buffy and I went into the den to read my email. We heard a knock on the door, and it was Big Dave's mom, who had brought something to show me...a severed arm!

BD's mom had stopped at the W@lgreen's on the way home, just on the off chance that she might find a rubber hand on the costume racks to help make a severed arm, and right there on the costume rack she found an actual severed arm! She bought it for five dollars and was so excited about it that she brought it right over to my house to show me!

I was excited too, and I thought we should take it to Rachel's house immediately to give it to her, since it was the best thing that had happened all day! We drove over in the (prop-filled) van and met Rachel and Ash coming home carrying a pizza (remember? we didn't have dinner because the soup wasn't done), and when we showed the arm to Rachel, she was thrilled, and gave BD's mom a big hug!

So then I went home and had some of the soup, which was very good, and I watched TV and knitted. Oh, and I called Scott to tell him about the excitement of the severed arm, but he just made a snarky comment about it being very likely to find a severed arm on the costume rack during the Halloween season. Some people do not feel the magic, I tell you what.

I never did get a nap before I came to work to night, so it's going to be a long tired night, but I'll sleep good tomorrow.

11:16 p.m. - 2008-10-08


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