monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Boobs Are Power.

Kim is home! She got here last night at 11, at the end of the five-hour drive in which she ate Doritoes and listened to Bleak House on CDs. She said Bleak House is full of ghosts, so it was a bit scary driving home in the dark on roads that were empty of traffic, surrounded by creepy dark cornfields.

Ash was still here, resting from his labors of creating the phone booth/time machine, and he helped her drag in all of her (five!) bags from the car. Yes, Kim brought five bags home with her for a three-day weekend, but at least one of them is laundry.

She said she asked a guy from down the hall to help her take her bags out to the car, and she thanked him verbally for his effort, but she thought that wasn't enough, until she remembered that she was wearing a t-shirt with a low neckline, so he'd gotten a look at her cleavage, and that was a good reward. I agreed, and reminded her that Boobs Are Power!

We are taking it slow this morning, just reading email, checking websites and blogs, and eating leftovers for breakfast. We need to shop later for the picnic lunch Rachel wants to give the cast and crew (Ash is the only crew) between shows tomorrow.

I think I'll go throw in a load of laundry and then we'll go shopping.

11:53 a.m. - 2008-10-10


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