monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which there is an intervention.

Could it be any colder? Well, actually it could, but it seems a little early for it! The temps are in the 30s and the wind is really blowing! Rich went around pulling all of the storm windows into place this afternoon, and he even closed the fireplace flue to keep the wind out. I sure hope we remember to open it the next time we make a fire.

Friday I went out in the morning with RA to buy a bale of straw to decorate the gym for a Halloween party at church. She was feeling tired and complaining of having a dry moouth, and I was just looking out the window and rolling my eyes, because she mentioned a couple of days ago that she hadn't checked her blood sugar in a month, and I tried to talk to her about it then but she just blew it off, so I didn't want to mention that her blood sugar was probably really high. I get tired of nagging her about it - it's not my job, I'm not her mother!

Friday afternoon RA went to Chicago with her husband and Rachel was out of town with Ash, so I was all alone with Rich and the dog. I did a little laundry, and went to bed early.

Saturday when I woke up, I talked to RA, who said she felt so tired, and so 'yucky' that she was going back to bed. I was fuming about her being an idiot and not checking her blood sugar, so I got on the internet and starting looking for books that would be helpful and I bought one called Diabetic Burnout that I don't have yet because it's coming in the mail, and I also bought another book about treating diabetes by a Dr. Bernstein. That book was available for my Kindle, so I downloaded it.

Rachel and Ash came over to play video games and knit, so I didn't get to the reading until after they left, but I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning reading that book! It was very interesting, and I just kept knitting and reading, until I noticed the time and thought it would be smart to get some sleep!

I dragged out of bed at 8-ish to go to church, and RA wasn't there. I had already told Rachel on Saturday about RA's symptoms, so when we didn't see her at church, Rachel said we had to do an intervention!

We went to Rachel's apartment first, to get her Emergency Nursing Manual, and then we went to RA's house. The patio door was unlocked, so I walked in, calling her name and at first she didn't answer. All the lights were off and she wasn't in the living room (her husband was still at church), and I walked in with Rachel behind me, reaching for her phone to dial 911, but then RA called that she was in the bedroom, still in bed like a slug.

I went back to her room with Rachel following me, and told RA that Rachel thought she had ketoacidosis and she needed to get up and check her blood sugar. She got up then, and we all went out to the kitchen, where she keeps her testing supplies and when she tested her blood her sugar was up to 340! That is pretty high, but not fatal. Not good, though!

So I made eggs and bacon for RA and Rachel, who hadn't had breakfast either, and I made toast for Rachel and me, but I told RA she didn't need any carbohydrates that would raise her sugar more. Then while they ate, I told RA about the book I read last night, and about the one I ordered for her, and reminded her that she has a lot of grandchildren to live for.

Then Rachel and I went back to church in time for Relief Society meeting ("Our work here is finished! Heigh-o Silver!") and I told BigDave's mother that RA was being stupid, and BD's mother suggested that we go back to visit RA tomorrow and make a plan to help her do better. BD's mom is a diabetic also, so she knows it's a drag to do the things you have to do, but she does them anyway.

So that's what I did this weekend. I talked to RA later and her sugar was down to 258, which is better but still not good. She thanked me for caring, but I reminded her that it is just selfishness, since I am not the kind of friend who will bring her flowers and library books when her feet are amputated, because I don't like sick people.

11:30 p.m. - 2008-10-26


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