monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I would sometimes rather die than write.

Last night I had planned to put a frozen chuck roast in the crockpot this morning, but after a long, boring night at work, I went home and went to bed, and didn't remember the roast until I was almost asleep. I hoped for a minute that Rich would come upstairs so I could tell him to start the roast, but then I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I heard Rachel and Ash downstairs letting themselves in, and I remembered the roast I told them we'd be eating today! Well, obviously that didn't happen, but they cooked some bacon and there were eggs, and of course there was leftover Halloween candy, ugh. I am feeling a little sick of candy right now.

There is nothing interesting to write about today. I knitted a little, and wrote some emails, and watched part of a movie with Rich. He was watching The Shadow, and I was okay with it until about the middle of the movie, when it just jumped the shark and became (even more) ridiculous. I wandered away finally because I just didn't care any more.

Then I went out with RA to get a pop and get out of the house for a few minutes. When I got in the car she said she had been watching The Shadow at home with her husband - she loves that movie. Well, there you go, then, there's something for everyone.

RA is leaving in the morning to go visit her insane sister in Arizona, so she'll be gone for a week. We don't do anything interesting together, but it's even more boring when she's gone! I'm going to have to find some entertainment this week! If I don't find something, my journal will be too dull!

Let's see, I've got library books, knitting, and watching movies on TV with Rich. Oh yeah, that sounds like hella fun.

Well, Kim is nagging me to write a novel this month, and I wrote about 1200 words yesterday, which isn't quite as many as I needed. To write a 50,000 word novel by the end of the month, you need to write 1660 words a day. You can of course write more, or you could write less on any given day, but if you write less, you've got to pick up the slack somewhere, so eventually you'll have to write more to catch up.

Okay, I'm off to work on my novel. Write or Die!

11:24 p.m. - 2008-11-02


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