monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I have a write-in candidate

I'm going to be so glad to have this election over with! I'm tired of it all. Saturday night, as we were driving to stake conference, Kim called to ask if she was still registered to vote, if she registered in high school, and I said yes, but she is five hours away from the district she is registered to vote in! She groaned sadly, but then Rich told me to tell her that Obama will win in Illinois even without her vote, so she cheered up.

After that phone call, Rich and Rachel and I talked about where to go to vote, and whose vote was going to cancel out whose, and then I said we should call Scott to see if he ever registered to vote in Utah, because we had recently gotten a letter, reminding him to renew his Illinois driver's license. He's been married and living in Utah for two years, but he still has his Illinois license!

Scott was very interested in politics and had firm opinions in high school, and he always tried to guide us in our voting when he was too young to vote himself (and he thinks we are enormous liberal hippies, haha), so we thought we'd get his input on the election, too.

I called him and he didn't answer, so I left a message. He called and talked to me on Sunday, and he said that he didn't get registered to vote in Utah this year, but it doesn't matter because he has read up on both candidates and they both have socialist views so he is prepared to welcome our new socialist overlord, no matter which one it is.

In the background I could hear Carolyn yelling, Vote for Babar! And then Scott laughed and said that a vote for Babar counted double, for some reason that I didn't catch. I thought they must have some private joke about Babar as a write-in candidate.

I thought that crack about the socialist overlord was pretty funny so I repeated it to Diana, and she said that the Libertarian candidate is Bob Barr, so oh, now I get it, Carolyn wasn't just being funny, she was talking about a real candidate. Too bad, I think Babar would make an excellent ruler, and he's experienced, what with being king of the elephants and all. He's a family man, too!


So today I got up at about two thirty in the afternoon, and went out grocery shopping with Rachel. We bought a new used phone for her at the cell phone kiosk in the grocery store, so she's got a phone again. The girl at the cell phone booth had a tattoo on the back of her neck that looked kind of like a scorpion, but I couldn't get a good look at it while she was selling us the phone, so as we were leaving, I asked her about it, and she turned and showed me that it was an angel (with a sort of kewpie doll face, ugh) that she said represented her grandmother, and she got it after her grandmother died, because her grandma is watching over her. "She's got my back," she said.

Well, that is a nice sentiment, but I thought Diana's Dia de los Muertos altar for our grandma was much more tasteful. I loved it! I started to cry as soon as I saw the picture of it, and I hope Diana brings it out every year! What a great idea!

After shopping I went home and checked the roast that I put in the crockpot this morning, and it was beautiful! I just put a frozen chuck roast in the crockpot with a cup of water, and sprinkled the contents of a packet of Lipton Onion Soup over it and let that cook from 7 in the morning to 5 at night. It was wonderful. I scraped the onion bits off of it and we didn't eat those, but that is my personal taste, I just don't like them.

After we each had some of the roast, I thought that I should have made something to go with it. (I know that most people plan ahead and have all the parts of dinner ready at the same time, but well, sometimes I don't.) I wanted some kind of vegetable, and I had in the refridgerator an acorn squash that I baked a couple of days ago, so I went to the computer and got on the A Veggie Venture website, and did a search for squash recipes.

I found a recipe for Winter Squash with Polenta, and you know I am all about the polenta! Rich doesn't really like it, and I can't figure out why, since he loves Cream of Wheat, and Polenta is practically the same thing! The recipe called for mashing up my cooked squash, and mixing it together with a batch of polenta made the way I love it, that is, with butter and parmesan cheese, and then you sprinkle extra parmesan on top and bake it for an hour. It was great!

Rich is in the middle of a big project, so he went back up to the office to work, and I went to bed for a nap.

When I woke up, I called Rachel on her new phone (new phone! woot!) and she was getting ready to go to work, so I invited her to come over and get some of my polenta to take with her. She came by just as I was getting ready to go to work too, and she filled a storage container with polenta and some roast beef, and we both left for work at the same time, and walked in together. So that was fun.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Babar for president! (Is Zephir his running mate?)

11:07 p.m. - 2008-11-03


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