monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Boring day.

What I did today:

Got up this afternoon and wandered around the house, looking for entertainment. Ignored the obvious need for vacuuming.

Complained to Rich about something that smells in the kitchen. We have been looking for the source of the smell, but have not found it. He moved the refridgerator, exposing a huge crop of dust bunnies. I swept them up. Found a marble in the dust. Threw it away.

Put in a load of wash. Cleaning is not my idea of entertainment. Nothing on TV. Family journals are not updated this early in the afternoon, no matter how many times you click on them.

Rich came downstairs to take Buffy for a walk. I was so bored that I put on shoes and went with them. It was beautiful outside, a perfect Fall day, with lots of cruncy leaves to walk through. I picked up leaves of different colors to send to Diana. I hope they don't get too dried out and crumbly as they travel through the US Postal Service - she might just get a bag of leaf flakes!

When we got home, I put squash in the oven to bake, and went back to clicking on journals for updates. Woot, the updates are trickling in!

Made the Winter Squash and Polenta recipe again, because it's all I want to eat right now. Poached some salmon and cooked some frozen corn in the microwave, because Rich is not interested in polenta.

While the polenta was baking, I sat in front of the computer again. Patsy jumped on the desk next to me and rubbed his head against my arm, so I turned on the webcam for Kim to see him. Kim is coming home this weekend! Yay!

11:54 p.m. - 2008-11-05


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