monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Rich is pro-active.

So our dryer? It is fixed. I had only been awake for about an hour this afternoon, and fixing the dryer wasn't the first thought I had when I woke up, so when Rich came downstairs to ask if I had called a repairman, the answer was no.

Let me just tell you, Rich has very little interest in the state of our laundry as long as he has clean underwear, so it was a little surprising that he was so concerned about the dryer, but then I realized that he is not concerned about laundry in general, only in whether he has a clean uniform for Tae Kwon Do!

I need clean clothes on a regular basis, however, so at work last night I asked the Gossip King who I should call to fix the dryer, and I was all prepared with the name of a repairman. I told Rich who to call and he wandered away like a baby duck, clutching the phone book.

A minute later he was back, and he said the only time the guy had to come look at our dryer was right now. Well, right now is fine with me! I went upstairs and got dressed however, since I didn't want to blind the repairman with the radiance of my nightgown when he might need his eyes for fixing our dryer.

Buffy was very interested in helping with the dryer repair, so she had to stay out in the backyard. It didn't take long though, and the dryer repairman left clutching a check for $100, having spent approximately a minute and a half swapping out the bad chip. I can't believe I bothered to send our kids to college when you can make that kind of money fixing a dryer.

11:39 p.m. - 2008-11-10


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